Illustrations of Epic and Voyage
128 pages, 9 x 11 1/5
Release Date:24 May 2006
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Illustrations of Epic and Voyage

University Press of Mississippi

When renowned Mississippi artist Walter Anderson read Don Quixote or the Iliad, he heightened the intensity of his engagement with each by creating line drawings of the characters on typing paper. Each morning his wife, Agnes Grinstead Anderson, collected the many sheets the painter casually discarded in a night’s reading and drawing.

Along with thousands of paintings, sculptures, block prints, and writings, Walter Anderson (1903–1965) created over 9,500 pen-and-ink illustrations of scenes from Don Quixote, Paradise Lost, Pope’s Iliad, and Bulfinch’s Legends of Charlemagne. He also drew inspiration from such sources as Paradise Regained, Temora from The Poems of Ossian, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Alice in Wonderland, and Darwin’s The Voyage of the Beagle.

In Illustrations of Epic and Voyage, Redding S. Sugg Jr., has brought together 120 of Anderson’s pen-and-ink drawings based on the artist’s reading of literature.

Sugg has divided the illustrations into three categories: “Figures and Attitudes,” composed of single figures; “Scenes,” featuring interactions among characters; and “Sequences,” consisting of series of scenes from books. Illustrations of Epic and Voyage includes a contextual introduction by Sugg, as well as captions describing each illustration.

Walter Anderson (1903-1965) lived in Ocean Springs on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, where he spent his lifetime recording the region’s flora, fauna, life forces, light, and history of his native territory. He is known today as mythmaker, local legend, mystic poet, painter, inveterate voyager, and, most of all, brilliant artist. Redding S. Sugg Jr. (1922–2007) is author of A Painter’s Psalm, a book about Walter Anderson’s secret room in which he painted murals celebrating the natural world, a superlative collection of art that was unknown until after Anderson’s death. Sugg also edited Walter Anderson’sThe Horn Island Logs of Walter Inglis Anderson, published by University Press of Mississippi.

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