In Beauty I Walk
395 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:16 Dec 2008
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In Beauty I Walk

The Literary Roots of Native American Writing

University of New Mexico Press

In Beauty I Walk is the first anthology to offer generous selections of both oral/traditional texts and works by the first generations of Native American writers. Emphasizing the lines of continuity between traditional narratives, songs, and ceremonies and pioneering written works by authors such as John Rollin Ridge, Francis LaFlesche, Charles Eastman, Alexander Posey, Zitkala-Sa, E. Pauline Johnson, and D'Arcy McNickle, the anthology allows readers to see the ways in which writers of the modern "Native American Renaissance" have perpetuated, adapted, and departed from oral tradition. Including representative texts by authors from a number of Native tribes, from a range of literary genres, and by male and female authors, In Beauty I Walk also offers a fuller appreciation of contemporary Native American writing by revealing its roots and its place within a long continuum.

Jarold Ramsey has a B.A. from the University of Oregon, a Ph.D. from the University of Washington, and was on the English faculty at the University of Rochester from 1965 to 1997. He now lives on his family ranch in Oregon. His books on Indian literature include Coyote Was Going There and Reading the Fire: The Traditional Indian Literatures of America. Lori Burlingame has a B.A. from Allegheny College and a Ph.D. from the University of Rochester. She is a professor of English at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. Her area of specialization is Native American literature, and she is the author of articles on twentieth-century Native American fiction.

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