Journey Without End
189 pages, 10 x 10 3/4
89 color plates, 10 halftones
Release Date:31 Dec 2000
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Journey Without End

The Life and Art of Lawrence Calcagno

By Suzan Campbell; Foreword by Ellen Landis; Introduction by Gerald Nordland
The Albuquerque Museum

Lawrence Calcagno (1913-93) was a painter of the San Francisco school of Abstract Expressionism, and, as described by Gerald Nordland, "a proud, self-reliant, and independent figure in postwar American art." He taught at a number of schools and universities, received many invitations for residencies and guest professorships, and had two major retrospective exhibitions in his lifetime, yet his work fell out of favor for a time. The acclaim he hoped for, and deserved, is materializing for the most part posthumously. Nordland says that "his best work adds importantly to the achievements of his Abstract Expressionist generation; and like his peers, his work continued to grow in physical power for many years." This beautiful book surveys the work of a fifty-year career and shows Calcagno to have been an artist of depth and talent.

Suzan Campbell is an independent art historian and curator who specializes in art of the Southwest.

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