Karl Korsch
308 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jun 1977
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Karl Korsch

Revolutionary Theory

University of Texas Press

There is growing interest in Europe and the United States in the work of the major German social-political philosopher Karl Korsch. Korsch participated in the turbulent struggles in Weimar Germany and while in exile continually reflected on history and politics. His work affords one of the most important interpretations of the role of Marxism in twentieth-century revolutionary movements, while developing an ongoing critical interrogation of Marxism. His thought provides an illuminating perspective on the process of revolution and counterrevolution in recent history. Karl Korsch: Revolutionary Theory is the first English anthology of his most important writings.

This collection presents Korsch's essays on a wide range of subjects, including Marxism and socialization, Lenin and the Soviet Union, the crisis of Marxism, models of revolutionary practice, fascism and counterrevolution, and Korsch's final evaluation of Marxism. Much of this work is translated into English for the first time, and many unknown essays first published in radical journals which are no longer available appear here. The volume includes Korsch's major essays written during the 1920s and 1930s as well as some of his later work.

Douglas Kellner's detailed introduction, "Korsch's Revolutionary Marxism," contains the first comprehensive critical interpretation of Korsch's work to appear in English. It provides a historical-theoretical reconstruction of Korsch's life and thought and roots his political theory in the sociopolitical context in which it evolved. The introduction has been described by Korsch scholars as a "first-class piece of exposition and interpretation" and a "serious, first-rate contribution likely to preempt the field in the English language." The editor's introduction along with the representative selection of essays provide firm grounding in the ideas and historical significance of Karl Korsch.

Kellner introduces an important Marxist thinker for the first time to an American readership. Choice

Douglas Kellner is George F. Kneller Philosophy of Education Chair at the University of California at Los Angeles.

  • Acknowledgments
  • Korsch’s Revolutionary Marxism
  • 1. Korsch’s Road To Marxian Socialism
    • Korsch’s Practical Socialism
    • Korsch and the Workers’ Councils Movement
  • 2. Korsch and Communism
    • Korsch’s Revolutionary Historicism
    • Korsch and the Comintern
    • Korsch in the Left Opposition
    • The Expulsion from the Party
    • The Rejection of Leninism
  • 3. The Crisis of Marxism
    • Critique of Orthodox Marxism
    • Critique of the Marxian Theory of Revolution
    • New Forms of Revolutionary Struggle in Spain
    • Korsch Analyzes the Counterrevolution
    • Korsch and Marxism
    • Korsch in Exile
    • Political Writings of Karl Korsch
  • 4. Marxism and Socialization
    • Introduction
    • Fundamentals of Socialization
    • The Marxist Dialectic
    • On Materialist Dialectic
  • 5. Lenin and The Soviet Union
    • Introduction
    • Lenin and the Comintern
    • The Marxist Ideology in Russia
    • Position on Russia and the Communist Party
  • 6. The Crisis of Marxism
    • Introduction
    • The Crisis of Marxism
    • The Passing of Marxian Orthodoxy
    • Some Fundamental Presuppositions for a Materialist Discussion of Crisis Theory
    • Marxism and the Present Task of the Proletarian Class Struggle
  • 7. Models of Revolutionary Practice
    • Introduction
    • Revolutionary Commune
    • The Spanish Revolution
    • Economics and Politics in Revolutionary Spain
  • 8. Fascism and Counterrevolution
    • Introduction
    • Theses toward a Critique of the Fascist Conception of the State
    • State and Counterrevolution
    • The Fascist Counterrevolution
    • The Workers’ Fight against Fascism
  • 9. Korsch and Marxism
    • Introduction
    • A Non-Dogmatic Approach to Marxism
    • Ten Theses on Marxism Today
    • Letter to Paul Mattick
    • Letter to Bertolt Brecht
    • Letter to J. A. Dawson
    • Letter to Erich Gerlach
  • Index
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