Life Histories of Cascadia Butterflies
By David G. James and David Nunnallee
Oregon State University Press
David G. James and David Nunnallee present the life histories of theentire butterfly fauna of a North American geographic region inexceptional and riveting detail for the first time in LifeHistories of Cascadia Butterflies.
Virtually all of the 158 butterfly species occurring in southernBritish Columbia, Washington, northern Idaho, and northern Oregon areincluded in the book. Color photographs of each stage oflife—egg, every larval instar, pupa, adult—accompanyinformation on the biology, ecology, and rearing of each species.
Life Histories of Cascadia Butterflies will appeal tonaturalists, hikers, amateur entomologists, butterfly gardeners,conservationists, students, and general readers of natural history. Forscientists and dedicated lepidopterists, the book provides anunparalleled resource on the natural history of immature stages ofbutterflies in the Pacific Northwest—and beyond, as many ofCascadia’s butterflies occur in other parts of North America aswell as Europe and Asia.The publication of James and Nunnallee, or ‘the Daves’ as we know them, is a matter for unreserved celebration, not only for lepidopterists and nature lovers of all stripes, but for anyone who cares about our butterflies’ lives, futures, conservation management, and the plants with which they have co-evolved.
David G. James is an associate professor of entomologyat Washington State University. David Nunnallee is thecofounder of the Washington Butterfly Association and coauthor ofThe Butterflies of Cascadia.