“Living Lightly on the Earth”
116 pages, 8 1/2 x 8 1/2
colour images
Release Date:01 Feb 2018
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“Living Lightly on the Earth”

Building an Ark for Prince Edward Island, 1974-76

SERIES: Canadian Modern
Dalhousie Architectural Press
Built in 1976 by Solsearch Architects and the New Alchemy Institute as “an early exploration in weaving together the sun, wind, biology, and architecture for the benefit of humanity,” the Ark bioshelter integrated ecological design features to provide a self-reliant life for a family. Like the design itself, the Ark’s opening day brought counterculture together with official culture: Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Premier Alex Campbell, New Alchemists and Appropriate Technology activists, and neighbours from traditional Island communities. Thousands more would visit the Ark over its short life. “Living Lightly on the Earth:” Building an Ark for Prince Edward Island, 1974-76 explores the story of the Ark and its architectural vision of life led in collaboration with nature. 
RELATED TOPICS: Architecture
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