440 pages, 8 x 11
Release Date:25 Aug 2011
Release Date:25 Aug 2011
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Making Healthy Places

Designing and Building for Health, Well-being, and Sustainability

Island Press

The environment that we construct affects both humans and ournatural world in myriad ways. There is a pressing need to createhealthy places and to reduce the health threats inherent in placesalready built. However, there has been little awareness of the adverseeffects of what we have constructed-or the positive benefits of welldesigned built environments.

This book provides a far-reaching follow-up to the pathbreakingUrban Sprawl and Public Health, published in 2004. That booksparked a range of inquiries into the connections between constructedenvironments, particularly cities and suburbs, and the health ofresidents, especially humans. Since then, numerous studies haveextended and refined the book's research and reporting. MakingHealthy Places offers a fresh and comprehensive look at this vitalsubject today.

There is no other book with the depth, breadth, vision, andaccessibility that this book offers. In addition to being of particularinterest to undergraduate and graduate students in public health andurban planning, it will be essential reading for public healthofficials, planners, architects, landscape architects,environmentalists, and all those who care about the design of theircommunities.

Like a well-trained doctor, Making Healthy Places presentsa diagnosis of-and offers treatment for-problems related to the builtenvironment. Drawing on the latest scientific evidence, withcontributions from experts in a range of fields, it imparts a wealth ofpractical information, with an emphasis on demonstrated and promisingsolutions to commonly occurring problems.

Andrew Dannenberg, M.D., M.P.H., serves as aconsultant to and formerly was Team Leader of the Healthy CommunityDesign Initiative in the National Center for Environmental Health atthe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He holdsaffiliate faculty appointments in the Department of Environmental andOccupational Health Sciences and in the Department of Urban Design andPlanning at the University of Washington in Seattle. HowardFrumkin, M.D., Dr.P.H., is the dean of the School of PublicHealth at the University of Washington. He previously served asDirector of the National Center for Environmental Health/Agency forToxic Substances and Disease Registry at CDC, where he establishedprograms in climate change and in the built environment. He isco-author of Urban Sprawl and Public Health (Island Press,2004). Richard Jackson, M.D., M.P.H., is a professorand chair of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at theUniversity of California, Los Angeles. He is a pediatrician, andpreviously served as director of the National Center for EnvironmentalHealth at CDC and as the State Public Health Officer for California. Heis co-author of Urban Sprawl and Public Health (Island Press,2004).

Preface / Richard Jackson

Part I. Introduction

Chapter 1. Introduction To Healthy Places / Howard Frumkin,Arthur Wendel, Robin Abrams, Emil Malizia

Part II. The Impact of Community Design onHealth

Chapter 2. Community Design for Physical Activity / JamesSallis, Rachel Millstein, Jordan Carlson

Chapter 3. Food Environments / Carolyn Cannuscio, KarenGlanz

Chapter 4. Community Design and Air Quality / JonathanSamet

Chapter 5. Injuries and the Built Environment / David Sleet,Rebecca Naumann, Rose Anne Rudd

Chapter 6. Community Design for Water Quantity And Quality /Lorraine Backer

Chapter 7. Mental Health and the Built Environment / WilliamSullivan, Chun-Yen Chang

Chapter 8. Social Capital and Community Design / Caitlin Eicher,Ichiro Kawachi

Chapter 9. Vulnerable Populations and the Built Environment /Chris Kochtitzky

Part III. Diagnosing and Healing Our BuiltEnvironments

Chapter 10. Transportation and Land Use / Reid Ewing, GailMeakins, Grace Bjarnson, And Holly Hilton

Chapter 11. Healthy Homes / James Krieger, David Jacobs

Chapter 12. Healthy Workplaces / Donna Heidel, L. CaseyChosewood, Matthew Gillen, Paul Schulte, Greg Wagner, KennethWallingford, Liz York

Chapter 13. Healthy Health Care Settings / Craig Zimring,Jennifer Dubose

Chapter 14. Healthy Schools / Howard Frumkin, Jared Fox

Chapter 15. Contact With Nature / Howard Frumkin, JaredFox

Chapter 16. Resiliency to Disasters / Timothy Beatley

Part IV. Strategies For Healthy Places: AToolbox

Chapter 17. Behavioral Choices and the Built Environment /Margaret Schneider

Chapter 18. Policy And Legislation For Healthy Places / LisaFeldstein

Chapter 19. Community Engagement In Design and Planning / ManalAboelata, Leah Ersoylu, Larry Cohen

Chapter 20. Measuring, Assessing, and Certifying Healthy Places /Andrew Dannenberg, Arthur Wendel

Part V. Looking Outward, Looking Ahead

Chapter 21. Training the Next Generation, Nisha Botchwey /Matthew Trowbridge

Chapter 22. Healthy Places Research: Emerging Opportunities /Richard Jackson, Arthur Wendel, Andrew Dannenberg

Chapter 23. Urban Health In Low and Middle Income Countries /Jennifer C. Johnson, Sandro Galea

Chapter 24. Built Environments of the Future / Tony Capon, SusanThompson


List Of Contributors



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