Maritime Communities of the Ancient Andes
462 pages, 6 13/100 x 9 1/4
73 b/w illus, 25 tables
Release Date:07 Jan 2020
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Maritime Communities of the Ancient Andes

University Press of Florida

Maritime Communities of the Ancient Andes examines how settlements along South America’s Pacific coastline played a role in the emergence, consolidation, and collapse of Andean civilizations from the Late Pleistocene era through Spanish colonization. Providing the first synthesis of data from Chile, Peru, and Ecuador, this wide-ranging volume evaluates and revises long-standing research on ancient maritime sites across the region. These essays look beyond the subsistence strategies of maritime communities and their surroundings to discuss broader anthropological issues related to social adaptation, monumentality, urbanism, and political and religious change. Among many other topics, the evidence in this volume shows that the maritime industry enabled some urban communities to draw on marine resources in addition to agriculture, ensuring their success. During the Colonial period, many fishermen were exempt from paying tributes to the Spanish, and their specialization helped them survive as the Andean population dwindled. Contributors also consider the relationship between fishing and climate change—including weather patterns like El Niño. The research in this volume demonstrates that communities situated close to the sea and its resources should be seen as critical components of broader social, economic, and ideological dynamics in the complex history of Andean cultures. A volume in the series Society and Ecology in Island and Coastal Archaeology, edited by Victor D. Thompson

This volume is one of the greatest efforts to update the study of Andean maritime communities, choosing a broad temporal and regional context . . . . A must-read for scholars.'—Journal of Maritime Archaeology

'[An] elegant book . . . . [that] delves deep into what marine resources truly represented for these coastal populations . . . . This is a book with its heart and mind fixed firmly on the sea.'—Antiquity

'A timely and important compendium.'—Latin American Antiquity

'A temporally broad and geographically rich collection presenting the current state of understanding of maritime development spanning the past 12,000 years.'—American Anthropologist

A landmark volume for the study of Andean maritime communities and an essential addition to the bookshelves of all archaeologists, historians, and anthropologists interested in fishing societies.’—Yuichi Matsumoto, Yamagata University

‘Long overdue. A valuable resource for understanding past and present research on Andean maritime communities and their differing roles in greater Andean societal development.’—Mary Glowacki, bureau chief and state archaeologist, Florida Division of Historical Resources

Gabriel Prieto is assistant professor at the Department of Anthropology, University of Florida. Daniel H. Sandweiss, professor of anthropology and climate studies at the University of Maine, is coeditor of El Niño, Catastrophism, and Culture Change in Ancient America.

Content List of Figures List of Tables Introduction Chapter 1. A Historical Perspective on the Studies of Andean Maritime Communities Gabriel Prieto and Daniel H. Sandweiss Part I Early Maritime Adaptations (BP 13000 to 5500) Chapter 2. Maritime Communities in the Atacama Desert. Masters of the Sub Tropical Pacific Coast of South America. Calogero Santoro, Victoria Castro, Christopher Carter and Daniela Valenzuela Chapter 3. Economic Organization and Social Dynamics of Middle-Holocene Hunter-Gatherer-Fisher Communities in the Coast of the Atacama Desert (Taltal, Northern Chile). Diego Salazar, Carola Flores, Cesar Borie, Laura Olguin, Sandra Rebolledo, Manuel Escobar and Ariadna Cifuentes Chapter 4. The Use and Construction History of Huaca Prieta, North Coast of Peru. Tom D. Dillehay Part II Maritime Communities Between 5,500 and 2,500 BP. Chapter 5. Changing Complexity in the Norte Chico, 3000-1800 BCE. Winifred Creamer and Jonathan Haas Chapter 6. Maritime Communities and Coastal Andean Urbanization: Preliminary Insights from Early Horizon Samanco, Nepeña, North-Central Peru. Matthew Helmer Chapter 7. The Supply and Consumption of Marine Resources at the Inland Center of Caylan, Coastal Ancash. David Chicoine, Carol Rojas, Victor Vasquez and Teresa Rosales Chapter 8. The Fisherman’s Garden: Horticultural Practices in a Second Millennium Maritime Community of the North Coast of Peru. Gabriel Prieto Chapter 9. The Ethnogenesis of Pescador Identity: The Implications of Biodistance Analyses of Initial Period (1500 – 1200 BC) Human Remains from Gramalote Peru, for our Understanding of the Social and Economic Dyamics of Ancient Andean Maritime Communities. Richard C. Sutter and Gabriel Prieto Part III Maritime Communities Between 2,500 and 600 BP. Chapter 10. Fisherman, Farmer, Rich Man, Poor Man, Weaver, Parcialidad Chief? Household Archaeology at Cerro la Virgen, a Chimu Town within the Hinterland of Chan Chan. Brian R. Billman, Dana Bardolph, Jean Hudson and Jesús Briceño Rosario. Chapter 11. Subsistence economies in margin areas with natural constraints: interactions between social dynamics, natural resource management and paleoenvironment in the Sechura Desert, Peru. Nicolas Goepfert, Philippe Bearez, Aurelien Christol and Belkys Gutierrez Chapter 12. Late Prehistoric Maritime Communities in Coastal Ecuador. Karen E. Stothert, Maria Masucci and Benjamin Carter Part 4. Maritime Communities between 600 and 300 BP. Prieto and Sandweiss Chapter 13. Maritime Adaptations at Cerro Azul, Peru: A Comparison of Late Intermediate and 20th Century Fishing. Joyce Marcus, Kent V. Flannery, Jeffrey Sommer and Robert G. Reynolds Chapter 14. El Contrato del Mar: Colonial Life and Maritime Subsistence at Carrizales, Zaña Valley, Peru. Parker Vanvalkenburgh, Sarah Kennedy, Carol Rojas and Gabriel Hassler Chapter 15. Fish[i]stories: Seafolk of the Northern Peruvian Coast. Susan Ramirez Notes List of Contributors Index

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