512 pages, 6 x 9
10 b&w photos
Release Date:01 Feb 2005
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New Challenges for Documentary

2nd Ed

UBC Press

The first edition of New Challenges for Documentaryprovided a major stimulus for teaching about documentary film andtelevision and fresh encouragement for critical thinking aboutpractice. This second edition brings together many new contributions,both from academics and filmmakers, reflecting shifts both indocumentary production itself, and in ways of discussing it.

Once again, the emphasis has been on clear and provocative writing,sympathetic to the practical challenges of documentary filmmaking butmaking connections with a range of work in media and communicationsanalysis.

With its wide range of contributors and the international scope ofits agenda, New Challenges for Documentary will be essentialreading for general filmmakers and documentary students both ofacademic and practical inclinations.

Alan Rosenthal is Professor of Communications at theHebrew University of Jerusalem and a documentary filmmaker.John Corner is Professor in the School of Politics andCommunication Studies at the University of Liverpool.



Part One: Theories and forms: Documentary asgenre

Part Two: The inside view: Producers anddirectors

Part Three: Issues of ethics and aesthetics

Part Four: Changing contexts in television

Part Five: Versions of history

Part Six: Docudrama: Border disputes

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