144 pages, 6 x 8
Release Date:15 Feb 2014
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Days in a Life

University of New Mexico Press

"Carol Merrill's tribute to Georgia O'Keeffe is poems in the shape of finely rendered sketches, some of them even paintings. These intimate images convey the delicate and tough shape of O'Keeffe's final years in New Mexico."--Joy Harjo, author of She Had Some Horses

"When I got O'Keeffe mss I sat down after midnite at kitchen table when I should've been in bed & read it thru in an hour because it was interesting, curious, distinctive, focused, condensed, epiphanous, ordinary & understandable. The details are all, sacramentalizing everyday life in a world of genius--a woman, vast space, chewy intelligence, almost selfless observation."--Allen Ginsberg, author of Howl

C. S. Merrill worked for Georgia O’Keeffe from 1973 to 1979 as secretary, librarian, reader, cook, nurse, and companion. Merrill is also the author of Weekends with O’Keeffe (UNM Press). She is a poet, storyteller, and librarian in New Mexico.

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