Olmec Lithic Economy at San Lorenzo
480 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:15 Aug 2020

Olmec Lithic Economy at San Lorenzo

University Press of Colorado
Olmec Lithic Economy at San Lorenzo examines the specialized craft production, manufacturing, adoption, and spread of obsidian cutting tools at San Lorenzo, Mexico, the first major Olmec center to develop in the southern Gulf Coast region of Mesoamerica. Through the systematic analysis of this single commodity, Kenneth Hirth and Ann Cyphers reconstruct the importation of raw material and the on-site production and distribution of finished goods from a specialized workshop engaged in the manufacture of obsidian blades.
The obsidian blade was the cutting tool of choice across Mesoamerica and used in a wide range of activities, from domestic food preparation to institutional ritual activities. Hirth and Cyphers conducted a three-decade investigation of obsidian artifacts recovered at Puerto Malpica, the earliest known workshop, and seventy-six other sites on San Lorenzo Island, where these tools were manufactured for local and regional distribution. Evidence recovered from these excavations provides some of the first information on how early craft specialists operated and how the specialized technology used to manufacture obsidian blades spread across Mesoamerica. The authors use geochemical analyses to identify thirteen different sources for obsidian during San Lorenzo’s occupation. This volcanic glass, not locally available, was transported over great distances, arriving in nodular and finished blade form.
Olmec Lithic Economy at San Lorenzo offers a new way to analyze the Preclassic lithic economy—the procurement, production, distribution, and consumption of flaked stone tools—and shows how the study of lithics aids in developing a comprehensive picture of the internal structure and operation of Olmec economy. The book will be significant for Mesoamericanists as well as students and scholars interested in economy, lithic technology, and early complex societies.
‘A must-have book for all Mesoamerican scholars and researchers interested in lithic studies, production models, exchange, trade, and transportation. . . . A joy to read.’

—Gerardo Gutierrez, University of Colorado Boulder


—Marcie Venter, Murray State University

Kenneth Hirth is professor of anthropology at Penn State University and Senior Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC. He has authored, edited, and coedited eighteen books on different aspects of Mesoamerican archaeology and economy, including The Aztec Economic World; Merchants, Markets and Exchange in the Pre-Columbian World; and Housework: Craft Production and Domestic Economy in Ancient Mesoamerica. He is a recipient of the National Geographic Society’s Chairman’s Career Achievement Award in Archaeology and the Excellence in Lithic Studies Award from the Society of American Archaeology.
Ann Cyphers is senior research scientist at the Institute of Anthropological Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is coauthor of two Alfonso Caso Book Award winners, Retos y riesgos en la vida olmeca and Asentamiento prehispánico en San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán, and five other books. She is the recipient of the 2018 National University Award in Humanities Research and the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Award from the National Autonomous University of Mexico; the Museum of Anthropology Medal from the University of Veracruz, Xalapa; and the Liberal Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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