Our New Mexico
192 pages, 7 x 10
Release Date:16 Jan 2006
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Our New Mexico

A Twentieth Century History

University of New Mexico Press

New Mexico's history since statehood in 1912 is presented in eleven chapters and organized into sections, each with a brief overview of a period or a topic. Each section of narrative text is followed by excerpts from books by experts on these topics. Our New Mexico has two goals: to help students learn more about New Mexico's history over the past one hundred years, and to guide students to apply critical thinking skills. The book introduces three themes important in New Mexico's past, present, and future--resources, culture, and continuity amid change.

This text was developed with the guidance of the New Mexico Public Education Department to meet the benchmarks for the half-unit high school course in New Mexico history.

Calvin A. Roberts spent his teaching career at Del Norte High School in Albuquerque. He received the Ph.D. in history from the University of New Mexico.

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