Pilates for Children and Adolescents
240 pages, 7 2/5 x 9 61/100
Release Date:22 Apr 2014
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Pilates for Children and Adolescents

Manual of Guidelines and Curriculum

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Handspring Publishing

Pilates for Children and Adolescents is the first comprehensive manual of guidelines and formal curriculum for teaching Pilates to young people. This book includes: -Guidelines for teaching Pilates to young people -Why Pilates is beneficial for children age 6 - 11 and adolescents age 12 - 19 -Crucial anatomical and cognitive development considerations for working with young people -Additional relevant topics designed to equip the Pilates teacher with tools for creating relevant and safe programs for different age ranges, such as: -safety considerations, exercise contraindications, scope of practice, and ethics -considerations for working in a variety of environments within both the public and private sectors -age appropriate exercises from the Pilates repertoire -a formal curriculum for teaching Pilates in schools including sample lesson plans -appendices which cover working with children with special needs, Pilates in the Schools pilot study results, and resources.

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