Plant Communities of New Jersey
308 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Sep 1994

Plant Communities of New Jersey

A Study in Landscape Diversity

Rutgers University Press

From the ridgetops of the north to the Pinelands of the south, New Jersey’s natural areas display an astonishing variety of plant life. This book--a completely revised edition of the classic Vegetation of New Jersey--enables readers to understand why the vegetation of New Jersey is what it is today and what it may become.

The book portrays New Jersey as an ecosystem--its geology, topography and soil, climate, plant-plant and plant-animal relationships, and the human impact on the environment. The authors describe in detail the twelve types of plant habitats distinguished in New Jersey and suggest places to observe good examples of them. 

The book is amply illustrated with photographs of plant communities and individual species and maps. The appendixes provide a cross reference between the common and scientific names of native plants of New Jersey, and hints for plant identification.

Scientifically accurate yet written in a lively style, Plant Communities of New Jersey belongs on the bookshelf of every New Jerseyan who cares about the environment.

List of Illustrations
List of Tables
I Understanding a Natural Landscape
II Influences on the Natural Vegetation of New Jersey
III Plants Community Types in New Jersey Habitats
IV The Future
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