Poetries - Politics
276 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
95 color images
Release Date:10 Feb 2023
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Poetries - Politics

A Celebration of Language, Art, and Learning

Edited by Jenevieve DeLosSantos; Foreword by Susan Lawrence
Rutgers University Press
Poetries – Politics: A Celebration of Language, Art, and Learning celebrates the best of innovative humanities pedagogy and creative graphic design. Designed and implemented during a time of political divisiveness, the Poetries – Politics project created a space of inviting, multilingual walls on the Rutgers campus, celebrating diversity, community, and cross-cultural exchange. This book, like the original project, provides a platform for the incredible generative power of student-led work. Essays feature the perspectives of three students and professors originally involved in the project, reflecting on their learning and exploring the works they selected for the original exhibition. The essays lead to a beautifully illustrated catalogue of the original student designs.

Reproduced in full color and with the accompanying poems in both their original language and a translation, this catalogue commemorates the incredible creative spirit of the project and provides a new way of contemplating these great poetic works.
As someone who has spent a career in collaborative endeavors, I cannot think of a more engaging, noble, and timely project than this. Empowering the minds and hands of students, the unique lens of this artistic and educational collaboration demonstrates the expressive potential of bringing together a community with all its talents. Bravo!
'Poetries – Politics weaves a rich tapestry of trans-disciplinary collaboration between the arts and humanities and is a compelling testament to the power of project-based learning to unleash student creativity.' Jason Geary, Dean of the Mason Gross School of the Arts and Distinguished Professor of Music, Rutgers, The State
'Poetries – Politics weaves a rich tapestry of trans-disciplinary collaboration between the arts and humanities and is a compelling testament to the power of project-based learning to unleash student creativity.' Jason Geary, Dean of the Mason Gross School of the Arts and Distinguished Professor of Music, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
As someone who has spent a career in collaborative endeavors, I cannot think of a more engaging, noble, and timely project than this. Empowering the minds and hands of students, the unique lens of this artistic and educational collaboration demonstrates the expressive potential of bringing together a community with all its talents. Bravo! Barbara González-Palmer, Interim Director of Rutgers Community Arts and Associate Professor of Music at the Mason Gross Schoo
Jenevieve DeLosSantos is Assistant Teaching Professor of Art History and Director of Special Pedagogic Projects in the Office of Undergraduate Education for the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University–New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Foreword by Susan Lawrence
Note on Text
Introduction by Jenevieve DeLosSantos
Part I: Reflections on the Poetries – Politics project
Chapter 1: Why Poetries – Politics? by Mary Shaw
Chapter 2: Languages in the Magic Lantern by François Cornilliat
Chapter 3: Poetries, Politics and Practicum by Atif Atkin
Chapter 4: The Intricacy of Translating Poetries – Politics into Visual Art by Ouafaa Deleger
Chapter 5: Hope and Despair: Political Poets in Revolutionary Societies by Ian Lovoulos
Chapter 6: Poetries – Politics from the Perspective of One Design Student by Devon Monaghan
Chapter 7: The Pedagogy of Poetries – Politics: How to Craft Your Own Project-Based Learning Course by Jenevieve DeLosSantos
Part II: Catalogue of Posters
About the Contributors

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