Popular Trauma Culture
222 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:09 Sep 2011
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Popular Trauma Culture

Selling the Pain of Others in the Mass Media

Rutgers University Press

In Popular Trauma Culture, Anne Rothe argues that American Holocaust discourse has a particular plot structure—characterized by a melodramatic conflict between good and evil and embodied in the core characters of victim/survivor and perpetrator—and that it provides the paradigm for representing personal experiences of pain and suffering in the mass media. The book begins with an analysis of Holocaust clichés, including its political appropriation, the notion of vicarious victimhood, the so-called victim talk rhetoric, and the infusion of the composite survivor figure with Social Darwinism. Readers then explore the embodiment of popular trauma culture in two core mass media genres: daytime TV talk shows and misery memoirs.

Rothe conveys how victimhood and suffering are cast as trauma kitsch on talk shows like Oprah and as trauma camp on modern-day freak shows like Springer. The discussion also encompasses the first scholarly analysis of misery memoirs, the popular literary genre that has been widely critiqued in journalism as pornographic depictions of extreme violence. Currently considered the largest growth sector in book publishing worldwide, many of these works are also fabricated. And since forgeries reflect the cultural entities that are most revered, the book concludes with an examination of fake misery memoirs.

This is a passionate book of exemplary moral integrity. Anne Rothe provides a straightforward, unflinching indictment of the way that contemporary mass culture gorges itself on the display of human suffering. Wulf Kansteiner, Binghamton University, SUNY

ANNE ROTHE is an assistant professor of German at Wayne State University.


Introduction: Oprah at Auschwitz

Part I. Popular Trauma Culture: Generating the Paradigm in Holocaust Discourse
1. Holocaust Tropes
2. Victim Talk
3. American Survivors
4. Trauma Kitsch

Part II. Television: Watching the Pain of Others on Daytime Talk Shows
5. Talking Cures
6. Trauma Camp

Part III. Popular Literature: Reading the Pain of Others in Misery Memoirs
7. Selling Misery
8. Fake Suffering
9. Forging Child Abuse
10. Simulating Holocaust Survival

Epilogue: Fantasies of Witnessing

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