Portuguese Memory Book
119 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Nov 1996

Portuguese Memory Book

A New Approach to Vocabulary Building

University of Texas Press

Mnemonics is an age-old device for remembering names, numbers, and many other things. The Portuguese Memory Book, by William F. Harrison and Dorothy Welker, makes use of this reliable memory help in a series of mnemonic jingles that are by turns playful, sardonic, touching, and heroic to help both students and independent learners acquire and remember Portuguese vocabulary.

The mnemonic jingles present both the sound of the  Portuguese word (indicated by syllables in underlined boldface type) and its English meaning (given by a word or phrase in boldface type):

noite (f.) night

Don't annoy Chihuahuas in the night.
If you ignore their bark, you'll feel their bite.

This innovative approach to vocabulary building is simple, effective, and entertaining. The authors also include a general pronunciation guide to Brazilian Portuguese, particularly to the Carioca dialect of Rio de Janeiro.

To my knowledge, this is a unique and joyful approach to the teaching of vocabulary. The Portuguese Memory Book will be useful not only to beginners of Portuguese, but also to the many Spanish speakers in the U.S. who would like a quick and painless way to add Portuguese to their language skills. The authors know what they are doing. Jon S. Vincent, Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Kansas, Lawrence
William F. Harrison is Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Northern Illinois University. The late Dorothy Winters Welker was retired from the University of Illinois, Chicago.
How to Use the Portuguese Memory Book
Conventions Used in This Book
Final Examination
Answers to Final Examination
Appendix: Guide to Pronunciation
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