Positive Body Image for Kids
Release Date:21 Jan 2016
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Positive Body Image for Kids

A Strengths-Based Curriculum for Children Aged 5-11

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Body worries are increasingly affecting younger children. Girls as young as five are worried about the way they look and their size, and a third of boys aged 8-12 are dieting to lose weight.

This 15-session curriculum aims to provide children with the information and understanding they need in order to maintain and celebrate a healthy and positive body image. Focusing on building individual strengths and self-esteem, the sessions develop children's sense of identity and the ability to recognise and celebrate each other's strengths and talents. The influence of the media, peer pressure and healthy lifestyles are also covered. This ready-to-use curriculum includes a training session for staff, information about how to deliver the programme, guidelines on creating a whole-school approach, and creative activities with photocopiable worksheets.

Focusing on an increasingly important issue, this is an ideal programme for teachers, youth workers and others working with children aged 5-11.

Ruth MacConville is Head of the Special Educational Needs Services, London Borough of Ealing, UK, and has previously worked as a teacher. She is the author of several books on promoting happiness, resilience and well-being in young people. She lives in London, UK.
Introduction. Part 1: Setting the Scene. What is Positive Body Image? Understanding Body Dissatisfaction. How Does Body Image Develop? Risk Factors for Body Dissatisfaction. Building Resilience. Part 2: Staff Preparation. PowerPoint Presentation. General Guidance on Delivering the Programme. Part 3: The Programme. 1. Bounce Back Muscles. 2. Strength Spotting. 3. Here and Now. 4. The Whole You. 5. Healthy Eating Habits: 3 to Remember. 6. Get Moving. 7. Have Fun. 8. Television Turnoff. 9. Think Twice. 10. Pictures, Pictures Everywhere! 11. Thought Catching. 12. My ABC. 13. How to be a Friend. 14. My Hero. 15. WOOP. Part 4: Guidance for Involving Parents. References.
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