Precision Radiation Oncology
328 pages, 6 x 9
26 color illustrations, 16 tables
Release Date:24 May 2018
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Precision Radiation Oncology

Rutgers University Press, Rutgers University Press Medicine
Precision medicine is a rapidly-evolving field in the management of cancer. The use of novel molecular or genetic signatures in local-regional management is still in its infancy. Precision Radiation Oncology demystifies this state-of-the-art research and technology. 

By describing current existing clinical and pathologic features, and focusing on the ability to improve outcomes in cancer using radiation therapy, this book discusses incorporating novel genomic- or biology-based biomarkers in the treatment of patients moving radiation oncology into precision/personalized medicine. Precision Radiation Oncology provides readers with an overview of the new developments of precision medicine in radiation oncology, further advancing the integration of new research findings into individualized radiation therapy and its clinical applications.  
BRUCE HAFFTY, M.D. is an international expert in breast radiation oncology. He is a professor and chairman in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, and Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. He also serves as Chief of Staff of the Rutgers Cancer Institute.

SHARAD GOYAL, M.D. is a professor and division chief of Radiation Oncology in the Department of Radiology at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He is a board-certified radiation oncologist whose clinical practice is primarily focused on breast and brain cancers.

Precision Radiation Oncology: An Introduction by Sharad Goyal, Sachin Jhawar, and Bruce G. Haffty
1. Combining Cytotoxic Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy by Vivek Verma and Charles B. Simone II
2. Molecular Targeted Therapy and Radiation by Stephen A. Rosenberg, Zachary S. Morris, and Randall J. Kimple
3. Current State of the Art in Intracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery Technology: Accuracy, Precision, and Clinical Impact by George Farha, David Schlesinger, Arman Sarfehina, Argun Sahgal, and Mark Ruschin
4. Spine Radiosurgery in the Management of Spine Metastasis by Neil K. Taunk and Sharad Goyal
5. Body Radiosurgery by Jordan A. Torok, Manisha Palta, and Joseph K. Salama
6. Brachytherapy by Dodul Mondal, Omar Mahmoud, and Atif J. Khan
7. Proton Beam Therapy by Ryan Rhome and Rahul R. Parikh
8. Intraoperative Radiation Therapy by Daniel J. Tandberg, Christopher G. Willett, Manisha Palta, and Brian G. Czito
9. Nanomedicines: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications in Radiation Oncology by Joseph M. Caster, Tian Zhang, Artish N. Patel, Nichole J. Newman, and Andrew Z. Wang
10. Radiolabeled Spheres by John Byun, John L. Nosher, and Salma K. Jabbour
11. Radiogenomics: Advancing Precision Radiation Oncology Through Development of a Genomic-Based Predictive Instrument by Barry S. Rosenstein
12. Combined Effects of Immunotherapy and Radiation Therapy by Sachin Jhawar and Ann W. Silk
13. Radiomics by Ke Nie and Min-Ying Lydia Su
14. Big Data and Radiation Oncology by Sanjay Aneja and James B. Yu

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