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Release Date:01 Jan 1990

Regenerating British Columbia's Forests

UBC Press

Reforestation is a subject vital to the economy of British Columbiawhich depends heavily on its forests -- a valuable but expendableresource. This book provides silviculturalists with a broad referenceto the science and technology of reforestation in the Canadian provincethat forms the single most diverse forest region in North America. Thework combines, for the first time, both experiences recorded frompractical reforestation projects and the results of scientificinvestigations.

The chapters of Regenerating British Columbia's Forestswere compiled and reviewed by experts in each field of discussion.Topics include:

- the physiological bases for seedling vigour and the interaction ofreforestation with seedling physiology;

- the ecology of British Columbia's bioclimatic zones and therole of ecological site classification;

- the application of financial analyses to reforestationdecisions;

- current technology in manual, mechanical, and chemical sitepreparation, and in the use of fire to prepare planting sites;

- recent progress in tree genetics and breeding and its relevance tothe production of tree propagules;

- nursery technology;

- methodology in planting evaluation;

- techniques of plantation release; and

- the role of insects, disease, and small mammals and birds in thereforestation process.

Regenerating British Columbia's Forests will assistthose responsible for planning reforestation projects to reach informeddecisions and will challenge them to consider primarily the biologicalfactors basic to reforestation success rather than short-term costs andproduction technology. Although its main audience is practisingforesters and forestry students of British Columbia, the text will beof considerable interest to foresters in other parts of Canada, theUnited States, and Europe who manage reforestation.

The book is attractively produced, with many clear illustrations and tables. It brings together a wealth of information for practitioners and, in fact, anyone interested in this crucial issue in the management of BC forests. Bart J. Van der Kamp, BC Studies
This book...will prove to be an excellent source of basic information for anyone working in forest management, silviculture, and forest regeneration not only in British Columbia but in surrounding areas as well. Robert B. Forster, The American Review of Canadian Studies

D.P. Lavender is a professor and head of the ForestScience Department in the Faculty of Forestry, University of BritishColumbia. R. Parish is a research manager with theCanada-British Columbia forest resource development agreement.C. Johnson, RPF, is president of Pacific RegenerationTechnologies, Inc. G. Montgomery is an editor andwriter with G. Montgomery and Associates, Victoria. A.Vyse is a forest sciences officer with the Kamloops ForestRegion. R.Willis is a regeneration silviculturalistwith Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd. D. Winston is programdirector, Forestry Canada.

Section One

1. Reforestation in B.C. / E. Knight

2. People: The Vital Resource / R.C. Jones

3. Financial Evaluation of Regeneration / R.A. Willis and P.N.Affleck

4. Physiological Principles of Regeneration / D.P.Lavender

5. Ecological Principles: Basic / R.J. Stathers, R. Trowbridge,D.L. Spittlehouse, A. Macadam and J.P. Kimmins

6. Ecological Principles: Applied / K. Klinka, M.C. Feller, R.N.Green. D.V. Meidinger, J. Pojar and J. Worrall

Section Two

7. Reforestation Planning / W.C. Williams, J.R. Revel and L.P.Atherton

8. Pre-harvest Assessment and Prescription / M.J. Hadley, P.K.Diggle, D.L. Handley and M.H. Wyeth

9. Monitoring Regeneration Programs / C. Pearce

Section Three

10. Natural Regeneration / G. Weetman and A. Vyse

11. Site Preparation: Fire / B.C. Hawkes, M.C. Feller and D.Meehan

12. Site Preparation: Mechanical and Manual / R.G. McMinn andI.B. Hedin

13. Site Preparation: Chemical / J. Otchere-Boateng and L.Herring

Section Four

14. Genetic Control and Improvement of Planting Stock / D.T.Lester, C.C. Ying and J.D. Konishi

15. Seed Biology, Cone Collection, and Handling / C.L. Leadem,R.D. Eremko and I.H. Davis

16. Seedling Production and Processing: Bareroot / T.G. Danielsand D.G. Simpson

17. Seedling Production and Processing: Container / E. VanEerden and J.W. Gates

18. Planting and Seeding / W.K. Mitchell, G. Dunsworth, D.G.Simpson and A. Vyse

Section Five

19. Control of Competing Vegetation / M. Newton and P.G. Comeau

20. Diseases in Reforestation / J.R. Sutherland and R.S.Hunt

21. Insect Pests in Reforestation / K.E. Finck, G. Shrimpton andD.W. Summers

22. Control of Mammal Damage / T.P. Sullivan, A.J. Harestad and B.M.Wikeem

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