Rethinking Global Security
Media, Popular Culture, and the "War on Terror"
Analysts today routinely look toward the media and popular culture as a way of understanding global security. Although only a decade ago, such a focus would have seemed out of place, the proliferation of digital technologies in the twenty-first century has transformed our knowledge of near and distant events so that it has become impossible to separate the politics of war, suffering, terrorism, and security from the practices and processes of the media.
This book brings together ten path-breaking essays that explore the ways our notions of fear, insecurity, and danger are fostered by intermediary sources such as television, radio, film, satellite imaging, and the Internet. The contributors, from a wide range of disciplines, show how both fictional and fact-based threats to global security have helped to create and sustain a culture that is deeply distrustful. Topics range from the Patriot Act, to the censorship of media personalities, to the role that television programming plays as an interpretative frame for current events.
Designed to promote strategic thinking about the relationships between media, popular culture, and global security, this book is essential reading for scholars of international relations, technology, and media studies.
The relationship between security policy and popular and public culture has changed dramatically over the last ten years, a change that calls out for probing critical attention. This timely collection pointedly responds to the need for genuine interdisciplinary engagement with such current issues. Its essays are excitingly original and sophisticated, providing analyses long overdue.
Introduction by Patrice Petro and Andrew Martin
Future-War Storytelling: National Security and Popular Film by Doug Davis
Visions of Security: Impermeable Borders, Impassable Walls, Impossible Home/Lands? By Mary N. Layoun
The Origins of the Danger Market by Marcus Bullock
Cold War, Redux by Robert Ricigliano and Mike Allen
Popular Culture and Narratives of Insecurity by Andrew Martin
Fearful Thoughts: U.S. Television Post 9/11 and the Wars in Iraq by Patricia Mellencamp
Planet Patrol: Satellite Imaging, Acts of Knowledge, and Global Security by Lisa Parks
Intermedia and the "War on Terror" by James Castonguay
Remapping the Visual War on Terrorism: Citizenship and its Transnational Others by Wendy Kozol and Rebecca DeCola
Picturing Torture: Gulf Wars Past and Present by Tony Grajeda
Notes on Contributors