Satan's Stones
93 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:01 Sep 1996
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Satan's Stones

University of Texas Press

Women writers occupy prominent positions in late 20th century Iranian literature, despite the increased legal and cultural restrictions placed upon women since the 1978-1979 Islamic Revolution. One of these writers is Moniru Ravanipur, author of the critically acclaimed The Drowned and Heart of Steel.

Satan's Stones is the first English translation of her 1991 short story collection Sangha-ye Sheytan. Often set in the remote regions of Iran, these stories explore many facets of contemporary Iranian life, particularly the ever-shifting relations between women and men. Their bold literary experimentation marks a new style in Persian fiction akin to "magical realism."

Reports from Iran indicated that Satan's Stones had been banned there by government authorities. While its frank explorations of Iranian society may have offended Islamic leaders, they offer Western readers fresh perspectives on Iranian culture from one of the country's most distinguished writers.

M. R. Ghanoonparvar is Professor of Persian and Comparative Literature at the University of Texas at Austin.
  • Introduction
  • Satan’s Stones
  • My Blue Bird Is Dead
  • Love’s Tragic Tale
  • We Only Fear the Future
  • Jeyran
  • Haros
  • Play
  • Another Version
  • Three Pictures
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