Sixteen Teachers Teaching
324 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Dec 2020

Sixteen Teachers Teaching

Two-Year College Perspectives

Utah State University Press
Sixteen Teachers Teaching is a warmly personal, full-access tour into the classrooms and teaching practices of sixteen distinguished two-year college English professors. Approximately half of all basic writing and first-year composition classes are now taught at two-year colleges, so the perspectives of English faculty who teach at these institutions are particularly valuable for our profession. This book shows us how a group of acclaimed teachers put together their classes, design reading and writing assignments, and theorize their work as writing instructors.
All of these teachers have spent their careers teaching multiple sections of writing classes each semester or term, so this book presents readers with an impressive—and perhaps unprecedented—abundance of pedagogical expertise, teaching knowledge, and classroom experience. Sixteen Teachers Teaching is a book filled with joyfulness, wisdom, and pragmatic advice. It has been designed to be a source of inspiration for high school and college English teachers as they go about their daily work in the classroom.

Contributors: Peter Adams, Jeff Andelora, Helane Adams Androne, Taiyon J. Coleman, Renee DeLong, Kathleen Sheerin DeVore, Jamey Gallagher, Shannon Gibney, Joanne Baird Giordano, Brett Griffiths, Holly Hassel, Darin Jensen, Jeff Klausman, Michael C. Kuhne, Hope Parisi, and Howard Tinberg
An essential text on the shelf of any two-year college English faculty or those who train them.’
—Sonja Andrus, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College

'This text should be on every two-year English teacher's bookshelf.’

‘[Sixteen Teachers Teaching] effectively encourages reading and writing instructors to integrate scholarship, pedagogy, and service in the quest to educate students and build stronger and more democratic communities.’
—Composition Studies  

Patrick Sullivan teaches English at Manchester Community College in Manchester, Connecticut. He is the 2011 recipient of the Nell Ann Pickett Service Award for outstanding service to the two-year college. He is the author of A New Writing Classroom and Economic Inequality, Neoliberalism, and the American Community College. He is also the coeditor, with Howard Tinberg, of What Is “College-Level” Writing? and, with Howard Tinberg and Sheridan Blau, of What Is College-Level” Writing? Volume 2 and Deep Reading, which was awarded the 2019 CCCC Outstanding Book Award for Edited Collection.
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