Soul among Lions
142 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Sep 2000

Soul among Lions

The Cougar as Peaceful Adversary

The University of Arizona Press

Skilled predators prized by hunters and cursed by ranchers, mountain lions are the wild soul of the American West. Now a wildlife biologist brings you nose to nose with the elusive cougar. Harley Shaw shares dramatic stories culled from his years of studying mountain lions, separating fact from myth regarding their habits while raising serious questions about mankind's relationship with this commanding creature.

"Most of us move into the country because we love wildlife," writes Shaw. "But none of us will tolerate having our pets or children eaten. . . . When lion/human encounters occur, the lion (or bear, or wolf) always ultimately loses."

Soul among Lions offers us a chance to consider the true meaning of that loss.

A model for those hoping to find balanced information about the problems of human coexistence with other species. [Shaw] obviously loves the great cats, but he also is willing to present the position of ranchers and others concerned about the negative effects of encouraging these beautiful animals to proliferate too close to humans.'— Bloomsbury Review

'A rare combination of scientist and storyteller, Shaw gives sound advice to hunters, preservationists, ranchers, and bureaucrats.'—Arizona Highways

'Shaw can tell a hound and cat tale as well as anyone I've ever seen. He can damn bureaucracy as only one who has been caught up in its tails can.'—Gray's Sporting Journal
Harley Shaw worked as a research biologist for the Arizona Game and Fish Department from 1963 to 1990 and spent eight years capturing and radio-tracking mountain lions.
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