Spectrum Women
288 pages, 9 x 6
Release Date:21 Aug 2018

Spectrum Women

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Barb Cook and 14 other autistic women describe life from a female autistic perspective, and present empowering, helpful and supportive insights from their personal experience for fellow autistic women. Michelle Garnett's comments validate and expand the experiences described from a clinician's perspective, and provide extensive recommendations.

Autistic advocates including Liane Holliday Willey, Anita Lesko, Jeanette Purkis, Artemisia and Samantha Craft offer their personal guidance on significant issues that particularly affect women, as well as those that are more general to autism. Contributors cover issues including growing up, identity, diversity, parenting, independence and self-care amongst many others. With great contributions from exceptional women, this is a truly well-rounded collection of knowledge and sage advice for any woman with autism.

A friend once told me that getting an autism diagnosis in mid-life was like finding the Rosetta Stone to herself. This marvelously honest and historically important book will be that Rosetta Stone for many women on the spectrum who will recognize aspects of their own lived experience on every page. I am in awe of the practical wisdom and uplifting encouragement assembled here by these wise elders of their tribe. Steve Silberman, author NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the History of Neurodiversity
Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism brings us the voice of spectrum women, adding multi-faceted layers of Autism knowledge previously unavailable to Professionals and lay people alike. Throughout the chapters the writers not only share their lives, but often bare the intimate recesses of their souls with the reader. This book marks a pivotal moment in the history of Autism - we now have a definitive resource on Autistic women available to us. Nelle Frances, author of the Ben and His Helmet series, Aspergerchild - Simply Explained and Sustainable Social Skills
Spectrum Women is a beautiful tapestry woven in wisdom, humour and hope. I found myself laughing out loud and quietly nodding with each resonating reflection of life within its pages. In a world of misinformation around autism, with these spectrum sisters, you are in good and safe hands. Rachael Lee Harris, Psychotherapist and author of Contemplative Therapy for Clients on the Autism Spectrum
Spectrum women have a voice that needs to be heard. They need people to understand the challenges they face in daily life, and to recognise their talents and many achievements. The coherent explanations and wise advice provided in this book are highly recommended for women with ASD, their families and clinicians. Tony Attwood, PhD, Adjunct Professor at Griffith University, Queensland and author of The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome and Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals.
For too many years, women on the spectrum have been pushed aside in terms of diagnosis, intervention and support. It took a long time before professionals finally understand and recognize the complexity and richness of the female profile of ASD. Spectrum Women's book is a breakthrough in many ways. First account and professionals combine their views and experience to provide rich and valuable information. I salute this initiative because this book will become a fundamental resource for the ASD community, families and professionals. Isabelle Hénault, Ph.D, Psychologist & Sexologist and author of Asperger's Syndrome and Sexuality: From Adolescence through Adulthood
Spectrum Women more than fills a gap, it addresses the huge void and absence of critical information to best understand, support and develop meaningful relationships with autistic women. Written eloquently by women who have experienced first-hand the misconceptions, misinformation and lack of recognition of the unique characteristics and abilities of autistic women, Spectrum Women will become the voice and the essential work that will help to further advance the inclusion, acceptance and appreciation of so many individuals who have been marginalized for so many years. Barry M. Prizant, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, Brown University and author of Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism
Filling a yawning gap in the autism literature with a combination of lived experience and research, recognition of women on the autism spectrum comes of age. In addition to these pioneering authors bringing awareness, acceptance, and appreciation of females on the autism spectrum to new heights, this amazing contribution teaches everyone the beauty of human diversity. Stephen Shore, Ed.D, Internationally known educator, author, and presenter on issues related to the autism spectrum
By far this is the best book I have read about autistic females. As an autistic woman, wife and mother to a daughter on the spectrum, this book is such a treat. This book gives a sense of belonging, packed full of valuable information, honest insights and great advice, wrapped beautifully together with Dr Michelle Garnett's supporting views.

The 15 autistic authors share their personal experiences, covering many aspects of life for fellow Spectrum Women from disclosure, sensory issues, communication, health, anxiety, self-care to relationships, parenthood and employment. It's the full package.

Spectrum Women: Walking to the beat of Autism will help so many autistic women around the world and will be valuable information to partners, parents and professionals.

Together this tribe of truly amazing women (my autism mentors) have written an absolutely brilliant masterpiece. You are my Dream Team, ladies. Anne Skov Jensen, autism advocate, public speaker and a proud spectrum sister

Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism is so much more than the average book about autism; it is a collection of works that addresses a significant gap in the publishing world. Informative, emotionally charged, and honest, the chapters guide the reader through a variety of experiences. Through multiple autistic voices and clearly defined summations that acknowledge and validate each writer's experiences from a clinician's understanding, Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism is a necessary read for professionals, families, and any woman who belongs within this amazing tribe. Rebecca Vine Foggo, BA Psych, MA Autism, Doctoral Researcher (Autism)
Spectrum Women is a powerful resource to own. This book offers the previously unknown and untold experiences of a vast demographic of autistic women allowing other individuals on the spectrum, their parents, educators and anyone involved in wanting to learn more by understanding and sharing their unique perspectives and challenges. But most of all, this book allows people to realise that a diagnosis doesn't have to be and shouldn't be seen as doom and gloom. Allow these women to transport you into their minds and their hearts to gain a new perspective of knowledge. Nichole Conolly, Autistic Individual and Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies, University of Wollongong

Barb Cook is the editor of the autism magazine Spectrum Women and is very active writing articles, speaking at events, and advocating for autistic women. Michelle Garnett, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and founder and Director of Minds & Hearts: A Specialist Clinic for Asperger’s Syndrome and Autism based in Brisbane, Australia.

Jen Elcheson
Catriona Stewart
Anita Lesko
Liane Holliday Willey
Samantha Craft
Jeanette Purkis
Kate Ross
Becca Lory
Renata Jurkevythz
Terri Mayne
Maura Campbell
Christine Jenkins
Dena Gassner
Lisa Morgan

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