231 pages, 6 1/4 x 9 1/4
32 color, 35 b&w photographs, 4 figures, 8 maps, bibliography, index
Release Date:01 Jun 1995
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Swamp Song

A Natural History of Florida's Swamps

University Press of Florida

Swamp Song is the story of a biologist’s romance with the environment. In this abundantly illustrated book, naturalist and photographer Ron Larson offers to everyone interested in nature—from bird watchers and canoeists to botanists and policy makers—an introduction to Florida’s forested wetlands.


Ron Larson, a biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Jackson, Mississippi, lived in Florida for more than five years while researching this book.  He is the author of more than 40 scientific papers as well as popular articles about marine life and natural history.  His photographs have appeared in many books and magazines, including National Geographic. He has participated in scientific expeditions to the Arctic, the Antarctic, and the Neotropics.

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