Tannisho / Rennyo Shonin Ofumi
There are two titles in this volume.
Tannisho sets out to refute deviations from the True Pure Land school teachings. Written by Yuienbo, a follower of Shinran, the Tannisho has continued to exert a profound influence on Japanese life and thought since it was composed. It falls into two parts. The first part of the book consists of Yuienbo’s personal recollections of the words of Shinran himself, as received directly from the Master. The second part gives Yuienbo’s own refutation of those deviations of Faith that had arisen after Shinran’s death, quoting in support of his argument further sayings of the master. There is also an Appendix giving details of the wrongful punishment and exile of Honen, Shinran, and other followers.
Rennyo Shonin Ofumi is a collection of eighty pastoral letters written to True Pure Land school followers. They focus on clarifying the process of entrusting oneself single-heartedly to the Other Power of Amida Buddha.