The Black Death in Egypt and England
207 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jun 2005

The Black Death in Egypt and England

A Comparative Study

University of Texas Press

Throughout the fourteenth century AD/eighth century H, waves of plague swept out of Central Asia and decimated populations from China to Iceland. So devastating was the Black Death across the Old World that some historians have compared its effects to those of a nuclear holocaust. As countries began to recover from the plague during the following century, sharp contrasts arose between the East, where societies slumped into long-term economic and social decline, and the West, where technological and social innovation set the stage for Europe's dominance into the twentieth century. Why were there such opposite outcomes from the same catastrophic event?

In contrast to previous studies that have looked to differences between Islam and Christianity for the solution to the puzzle, this pioneering work proposes that a country's system of landholding primarily determined how successfully it recovered from the calamity of the Black Death. Stuart Borsch compares the specific cases of Egypt and England, countries whose economies were based in agriculture and whose pre-plague levels of total and agrarian gross domestic product were roughly equivalent. Undertaking a thorough analysis of medieval economic data, he cogently explains why Egypt's centralized and urban landholding system was unable to adapt to massive depopulation, while England's localized and rural landholding system had fully recovered by the year 1500.

I cannot think of a finer piece of work that I have read in comparative history. . . . I suspect this work will quickly become a classic in its field and can serve as a model for the comparative study of the effects of the Black Death in other regions of the world.Uli Uli Schamiloglu, Chair, Central Asian Studies Program, University of Wisconsin, Madison
STUART J. BORSCH is Assistant Professor of History at Assumption College in Worchester, Massachusetts.
  • A Note on Transliteration
  • Acknowledgments
  • Chapter 1. Introduction: Plague and Methodology
  • Chapter 2. Mortality, Irrigation, and Landholders in Mamluk Egypt
  • Chapter 3. The Impact of the Plagues on the Rural Economy of Egypt
  • Chapter 4. The Impact of the Plagues on the Rural Economy of England
  • Chapter 5. The Dinar Jayshi and Agrarian Output in England and Egypt
  • Chapter 6. Prices and Wages: A Reevaluation
  • Chapter 7. Conclusion
  • Appendix. The Marginal Product of Labor Reconsidered
  • Notes
  • Select Bibliography
  • Index
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