The Crawfish Book
212 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:01 Apr 1993
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The Crawfish Book

University Press of Mississippi

American Indians worshiped them as creators of the world, Napoleon ate them to celebrate his victories, Swedes have them shipped in from halfway around the world, and for Louisiana’s Cajuns the humble crawfish is the centerpiece of cuisine, a symbol of ethnic pride, a staple commodity for thriving business ventures, and an inextricable part of folklore.

Research and interviews spice this delightful book that details the relationship between crawfish and humans—from antiquity to the New York markets of the 1880s; from Depression-era pauper’s feast to gourmet entree of the 1980s Cajun cooking craze; from spring afternoon pastime to modern aquaculture agribusiness.

To get the reader’s mouth watering, more than two dozen recipes from those who know crawfish best—both famous chefs and crawfishers—are interspersed throughout. Sections offer advice on catching, buying, handling, cooking, and, for those who wish to simplify their encounters with crawfish, ordering tasty dishes in restaurants. Included are also a bibliographical essay, an index to recipes, and a list of sources for spices, paraphernalia, and airfreight shipments of crawfish.

Glen Pitre has pursued many media-oriented careers, including television, film, and writing. However, he has also worked as a shrimp fisherman, house painter, ship’s cook, roadside vendor of garlic, assistant zookeeper, and oil-field laborer. His work experiences and interactions with people of every economic level make him a well-rounded and worthy resource of information. He is coauthor (with Barry Jean Ancelet and Jay Edwards) of Cajun Country, published by University Press of Mississippi.

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