The Essential Worldwide Laws of Life
352 pages, 7 1/2 x 9 1/4
Release Date:15 Mar 2012
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The Essential Worldwide Laws of Life

Templeton Press

What does it mean to live a good life?

The major scriptures of the world, various schools of philosophical thought, storytellers, scientists, artists, and historians have all offered answers to this question. Surprisingly, these answers are common among nearly all sources. Famed investor and philanthropist Sir John Templeton called these commonalities the “laws of life.”

Templeton gathers the best of these teachings in The Essential Worldwide Laws of Life. This handsome volume shows readers of all ages, from all parts of the world, how to make their lives more joyous and useful by learning the universal truths that transcend time and culture.

Each law is presented in an essay format, with stories, commentary, and quotations to illustrate its importance. The material is designed to inspire the reader to put these laws into practice and to enjoy the rewarding life that will result.

'In this inspirational guide for general readers of all ages, [Templeton] culls common principles and universal truths from various philosophers, storytellers, artists, historians, and the Bible, leading to insight on the meaning of life and the best way to live it. Underlying Templeton’s philosophy is the conviction that our thoughts manifest in daily life and that we are ultimately responsible for creating our lives. Some areas receiving his attention are helping others, embracing humility, sharing love, and finding joy.'
—Book News

As a pioneer in both financial investments and philanthropy, Sir John Templeton spent a lifetime encouraging open-mindedness. Templeton started his Wall Street career in 1937 and went on to create some of the world’s largest and most successful international investment funds, eventually earning the label of “arguably the greatest global stock picker of the century” from Money magazine. In 1972, he established the world’s largest annual award given to an individual: the £1,000,000 Templeton Prize. The Prize is intended to recognize exemplary achievement in work related to life’s spiritual dimension. Templeton also contributed a sizable amount of his fortune to the John Templeton Foundation, which he established in 1987. Templeton passed away in 2008, but the Foundation that bears his name continues to award millions of dollars in annual grants in pursuit of its mission to serve as a philanthropic catalyst for research on what scientists and philosophers call the “big questions.”

Foreword / vii

Introduction / xv

1. Controlling Your Mind / 3

2. Building Character / 23

3. Forging Attitudes and Beliefs / 43

4. Helping Others / 51

5. Learning / 65

6. Examining Ourselves / 81

7. Planning Your Life’s Journey / 101

8. Making Every Moment Count / 115

9. Practicing Forgiveness / 123

10. Embracing Humility / 133

11. Overcoming Fear / 141

12. Demonstrating Courage / 147

13. Sharing Love / 157

14. Giving and Receiving / 169

15. Giving Thanks / 193

16. Praying / 209

17. Awakening Spiritual Growth / 219

18. Finding Joy / 249

19. Pursuing Your Dreams / 273

20. Discovering Your Life’s Purpose / 295

21. Celebrating Success / 315

Bibliography / 331

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