1 The Kandik Map: Reflections on Time and Space
Discovering the North: Story Lines and Camps
Recovering the North: New Sources and More Perspectives
The Social Life of a Northern Document
2 Searching for Paul Kandik
Mapping an Identity
Words and Sounds: Reading and Listening for the Past
3 Documenting a Mystery
Tracking the Names Paul and Kandik
First Meetings: The Hudson’s Bay Company Period
The American Trade and Exploration Period
Big Paul: Pilot on the Upper Yukon
Government Records and the Gold Rush Era
4 François Mercier: Agent of Change
François Mercier: Early Years in the American West and Alaska
Time of Change: The Legacy of the Old Monopolies
The American Takeover: With French Canadian Traders
More Change on the Yukon
The Summer of 1880: The Census and the Kandik Map
Back to the Hän Country Again
5 Mapping the North: Where the Kandik Map Fits In
Unveiling the North
Defining the Boundary
6 Meetings and Meanings
Using Space and Knowing Place
Meetings, Meanings, and Motivations
Stories of the Kandik Map
Appendix, Chart of Place Names
Selected Bibliography
Unpublished and Archival Sources