The Sign in Music and Literature
244 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jul 1981
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The Sign in Music and Literature

Edited by Wendy Steiner
University of Texas Press

The notion of semiotics as a universal language that can encompass any object of perception makes it the focus of a revolutionary field of inquiry, the semiotics of art. This volume represents a unique gathering of semiotic approaches to art: from Saussurian linguistics to transformational grammar, from Prague School aesthetics to Peircean pragmatism, from structuralism to poststructuralism.

Though concerned specifically with the semiotics of music and literature, the essays reveal the breadth of semiotics’ interdisciplinary appeal, involving specialists in musicology, ethnomusicology, jazz performance, literary criticism, poetics, aesthetics, rhetoric , linguistics, dance, and film. The diversity of authorial training and approach makes this collection a dramatic demonstration of the on-going debates in the field.

In many ways the semiotics of art is the testing ground of sign theory as a whole, and work in this subject is as vital to the interests of theoretical semioticians as to students of the arts. It is to both these interests that this volume is addressed.

Wendy Steiner is Richard L. Fisher Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania.
  • 1. Introduction (Wendy Steiner)
  • 2. The Structure of Semiotic Objects: A Three-Dimensional Model (Benjamin Hrushovski)
  • 3. How Do We Establish New Codes of Verisimilitude? (Seymour Chatman)
  • 4. Intratextual Rewriting: Textuality as Language Formation (Charles F. Altman)
  • 5. Inside Greimas’s Square: Literary Characters and Cultural Constraints (Nancy Armstrong)
  • 6. Semantic Oscillation: A Universal of Artistic Expression (Elemér Hankiss)
  • 7. The Literary Artifact (Miroslav Červenka)
  • 8. Typography, Rhymes, and Linguistic Structures in Poetry (Nicolas Ruwet)
  • 9. Toward a Semiotics of Music (Henry Orlov)
  • 10. Two Views of Musical Semiotics (Allan R. Keiler)
  • 11. Miles Davis Meets Noam Chomsky: Some Observations on Jazz Improvisation and Language Structure Miles Davis Meets Noam Chomsky: Some Observations on Jazz Improvisation and Language Structure (Alan M. Perlman and Daniel Greenblatt)
  • 12. The Problem of “Ethnic” Perceptions in the Semiotics of Music (John Blacking)
  • 13. Technique and Signification in the Twelve-Tone Method (David Lidov)
  • 14. A Musical Icon: Power and Meaning in Javanese Gamelan Music (Judith and Alton Becker)
  • 15. Preliminaries to a Semiotics of Ballet (Marianne Shapiro)
  • Bibliography
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