The Slavs in European History and Civilization
724 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 May 1962
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The Slavs in European History and Civilization

Rutgers University Press
This dense brick of a book starts with a warning to the unwary--an (untranslated) Latin dedication. It was written by a Czech priest who eventually became a Harvard professor of Byzantine history. He informs readers that this book enlarges upon a Harvard course on Slavic history from the 13th to the 17th centuries. 
FATHER FRANCIS DVORNIK was an ordained priest born in Czechoslovakia. He studied in Paris and London before becoming a professor of Byzantine history at Harvard University. 
Chapter I. Europe to the Thirteenth Century
Chapter II. The Last Premyslides, Bohemia, and Poland
Chapter III. John of Bohemia, Emperor Louis IV, and Poland
Chapter IV. Charles IV, Emperor and King of Bohemia, and Casimir the Great, King of Poland
Chapter V. The Second Bulgarian Empire, the Rise of Serbia
Chapter VI. The Political Organization of Medieval Slavic States
Chapter VII. Slavic Medieval Cultural Achievements
Chapter VIII. The Czech Reformation and Its Aftermath
Chapter IX. The Russian Principalities, the Rise of Lithuania and Moscow, the Jagiellonian Federation
Chapter X. The Jagiellonian Dynastic Commonwealth and the Turkish Danger
Chapter XI. Poland-Lithuania and the Baltic
Chapter XII. The Growth of Muscovy and Its Relations with Poland-Lithuania
Chapter XIII. The Renaissance and the Slavs. Slavic Cultural Achievements in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
Chapter XIV. The Social and Political Development of the Western and Southern Slavs from the Fifteenth to the Sixteenth Century
Chapter XV. The Growth of Muscovite Autocracy: Social and Political Changes in East Russia
Chapter XVI. The Reformation and the Slavs
Chapter XVII. The Habsburgs, Muscovy, Poland-Lithuania, and Bohemia
Chapter XVIII. Poland, Muscovy's "Time of Troubles," and the Birth of the Ukraine
Chapter XIX. The Muscovite State under the First Romanovs
Chapter XX. Imperial Russia and the Slavic World
List of Rulers
Bibliographical Abbreviations
Transliteration and Pronunciation Tables
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