The Visions of Sor MarÃa de Agreda
194 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Sep 1994
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The Visions of Sor MarÃa de Agreda

The University of Arizona Press

Sor María de Agreda (1602-65) was a Spanish nun and visionary who is best known as the author of the widely read biography of the Virgin Mary, The Mystical City of God, and as the missionary who "bilocated" to the American Southwest, reportedly appearing to Indians there without ever leaving Spain. Her role as advisor to King Philip IV contributed further to her legend.

Clark Colahan now offers the first major study of Sor María's writings, including translations of two previously unpublished works: Face of the Earth and Map of the Spheres and the first half of her Report to Father Manero, in which she reflects on her bilocation.

RELATED TOPICS: Religion & Spirituality
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