The Way of the Masks
249 pages, 6 x 8 1/2
68 colour illustrations, 68 photos, 4 in colour
Release Date:15 Oct 1999

The Way of the Masks

UBC Press
Originally published under the title La Voie des masques, Sylvia Modelski has translated Claude Levi-Strauss’ explanation of the tribal masks of coastal British Columbia with reference to kinship ties, incest prohibition and myths.
With this book, Claude Levi-Strauss brings his continuing demonstrations of how the collective mind works to some of the richest problems of Northwest Coast scholarship ... Working essentially with what happens at the borders of many Northwest Coast cultures, rather than almost exclusively from within one or two of them, Levi-Strauss has brought a unique and welcome coherence to our scholarship. BC Studies
Called “the father of modern anthropology,” Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009) was a member of the Académie Française and the author of some twenty books.

Part I

1 Enigma of a Mask

2 The Salish Swaihwe

3 The Kwakiutl Xwexwe

4 Meeting the Dzonokwa

5 Dzonokwa Myths

6 The Clue to the Mystery

7 In Search of Wealth

8 The Origin of Copper

9 Coppers, Women, and Frogs

10 Earthquakes and Cylinder Eyes

11 The Nature of a Style

Part II

12 Beyond the Swaihwe

13 The Social Organization of the Kwakiutl

14 Hidden Traces of a Mask




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