358 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:01 Dec 2014
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The Weaverbirds


The Lontar Foundation

A landmark novel, The Weaverbirds is a tale of physical and spiritual struggles. The story spans from the formative days of Indonesia’s independence to Indonesia’s oil crisis in the mid 1970s. Larasati, the precious daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antana, and Setadewa, the army-brat son of Capt. And Mrs. Brajabasuki, are childhood friends. But when they are older, they find themselves on the opposite sides of the country’s political spectrum. Even with their many differences, their relationship offers guidance to survival in a chaotic world.

Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya (YB Mangunwijaya) is both a noted architect and novelist. He is also known for his deep-rooted humanism.

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