Toni Morrison
224 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jun 2008
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Toni Morrison


University Press of Mississippi

As a chronicler of the African American experience in fiction and as an incisive cultural commentator in her essays and lectures, Toni Morrison (b. 1931) is regarded as one of the nation’s most distinguished novelists and intellectuals. Her novels are richly layered narratives that explore the meanings of tragedy and myth in individual lives. Morrison’s perspectives on American life and culture, rendered with a deep understanding of the consequences of history and the power of art, are always compelling.

Toni Morrison: Conversations includes interviews with the Nobel Laureate that bring into the foreground Morrison’s comments on American literature and society, the academy, and her own work. She discusses growing up in Lorain, Ohio, her role as editor at Random House, the continuing evolution of her style, her teaching philosophy, and her most recent novels Jazz, Paradise, and Love. This volume includes interviews and profiles from the 1970s and 1980s that were not collected in Conversations with Toni Morrison (1993) and a rich collection of new interviews published together for the first time, including conversations with Paula Giddings, Salman Rushdie, Charlie Rose, and Elissa Schappell.

Carolyn C. Denard is author of scholarly essays on Toni Morrison and the Cambridge Introduction to Toni Morrison. She is also associate dean of the College at Brown University and founder of the Toni Morrison Society.

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