234 pages, 6 x 9
3 figures, 3 tables
Release Date:30 Jan 2018
Release Date:30 Jan 2018
Trapped in a Vice
The Consequences of Confinement for Young People
Rutgers University Press
Winner of the 2019 Outstanding Book Award - ASC DCCSJ
Trapped in a Vice explores the consequences of a juvenile justice system that is aimed at promoting change in the lives of young people, yet ultimately relies upon tools and strategies that enmesh them in a system that they struggle to move beyond. The system, rather than the crimes themselves, is the vice. Trapped in a Vice explores the lives of the young people and adults in the criminal justice system, revealing the ways that they struggle to manage the expectations of that system; these stories from the ground level of the justice system demonstrate the complex exchange of policy and practice.
Trapped in a Vice explores the consequences of a juvenile justice system that is aimed at promoting change in the lives of young people, yet ultimately relies upon tools and strategies that enmesh them in a system that they struggle to move beyond. The system, rather than the crimes themselves, is the vice. Trapped in a Vice explores the lives of the young people and adults in the criminal justice system, revealing the ways that they struggle to manage the expectations of that system; these stories from the ground level of the justice system demonstrate the complex exchange of policy and practice.
Cox provides important and compelling insights about young people involved in the juvenile and criminal justice systems and about these systems themselves.Trapped in a Vice is a significant contribution to the field, filled with unique and comprehensive knowledge.
Trapped in a Vice is an excellent piece of scholarship from start to finish. Cox weaves together stories, policy data, and literature in a seamless fashion to expose the paradox of 'ungovernable' children. This brilliant, well written work is guaranteed to become a landmark piece in the field.
Alexandra Cox's Trapped in a Vice will deepen the juvenile justice reform discussion. Fundamental to her work is an argument that is essential as it is true: reform must be broader than moving juveniles from adult prisons to juvenile prisons and rehabilitation efforts must have outcomes that extend beyond the walls of incarceration.'
Trapped in the juvenile justice system' spotlight
Book Excerpt: Their Former Offense Keeps Blocking Them from Moving Ahead
The Past Repeats Itself in New York's Juvenile Justice System' interview with Alexandra Cox
Alexandra Cox's Trapped in a Vice on The Page 99 Test
Pg. 99 Alexandra Cox's 'Trapped in a Vice'
Youth incarceration comes to the North Country' by Alexandra Cox
Alexandra Cox’s Trapped in a Vice: The Consequences of Confinement for Young People is a profound piece of scholarship with the potential to rattle the field of youth justice.
Community Calendar: April 6, 2018 Trapped in a Vice event listing
Author opposes converting local prison to youth facility' by Glynis Hart
New Books in Sociology' podcast interview with Alexandra Cox
Teens imprisoned: Vice as vise: Research book sparks discussion, questions effectiveness of juvenile incarceration' by Kim Dedam
ON THE SCENE: Challenges of incarcerating youth in New York,' by Naj Wikoff
Black and Highly Dangerous Podcast with Alexandra Cox
An insightful, original examination, rich with details of the often confounding details of troubled young peoples’ lives, of the challenges and difficulties of constructively intervening in these lives.
Superpredator: The Criminalization of Youth,' by Alex S. Vitale
Sociologist Questions Justice of Juvenile Incarcerations,' by The Elm staff
Building a ‘Kinder’ Justice System: Youth Experiences with Incarceration' interview with Alexandra Cox
Written in an accessible, graceful style, and grounded in rich, hard-won data from the ground-level, Trapped in a Vice will be of great interest to a wide-range of punishment and society scholars, and it is required reading for juvenile justice researchers, policy makers, and advocates for reform.
An important book...Trapped in a Vice is a reminder that human existence is contingent, inherently contradictory, and fragile. This insight, while obvious, has been forgotten as the system tries to fit children into a simplistic mould of evidence-based interventions. More than anything, Trapped in a Vice is a cautionary tale for anyone who believes that solutions for inherently complex social problems are easy to come by.
Trapped in a Vice: The Consequences of Confinement for Young People illustrates the problematic nature that is imprisoning youth and the issues with which the juvenile justice system currently operates. As such, it breaks new ground for researchers focusing on the development of offending and responses to offenders.
This book is an extraordinary piece of social science research.'
[Cox] applies a strong sociological viewpoint, rooted in Foucault, to the story of juvenile justice-a view that is lacking in other texts. This theoretical strength comes through in how Cox relates her rich stories to larger discourses of neo-liberal control. Importantly, Cox addresses racial disparities head on as part of the larger picture of who is seen as 'worthy' and redeemable and who it not....[The book] is an important piece to read and ponder in the current wave of reform.
A beautifully crafted book.
Trapped in a Vice is likely to be of interest to a number of audiences. Students and scholars of juvenile justice, the sociology of punishment, youth, and inequality will appreciate the deeply human stories of the youth trapped in this system.
The Critical Criminologist' interview with Alexandra Cox
ALEXANDRA COX is a lecturer in sociology at the University of Essex in Colchester, England.
Introduction 1
1 Reproducing Reforms 13
2 Ungovernability and Worth 33
3 Racialized Repression: Barriers to the Emancipation of Young People at the Edges of the System 61
4 The Responsibility Trap 98
5 Change from the Inside 127
Conclusion 160
Methodological Appendix 167
Acknowledgments 179
Notes 183
Index 211
1 Reproducing Reforms 13
2 Ungovernability and Worth 33
3 Racialized Repression: Barriers to the Emancipation of Young People at the Edges of the System 61
4 The Responsibility Trap 98
5 Change from the Inside 127
Conclusion 160
Methodological Appendix 167
Acknowledgments 179
Notes 183
Index 211