Trauma Healing in the Yoga Zone
168 pages, 7 2/5 x 9 61/100
Release Date:30 Jun 2021
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Trauma Healing in the Yoga Zone

A Guide for Mental Health Professionals, Yoga Therapists and Teachers

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Handspring Publishing

Trauma Healing in the Yoga Zone describes an original model of "Nervous System Informed, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga," (NITYA), a synthesis of classical yoga, somatic psychotherapy, and neuroscience research. It is organized around the eight branches of Raja Yoga, and includes scripts for administering NITYA chair yoga postures, breathing practices, and yoga nidra (the yogic sleep). These can be used by helping professionals with all levels of familiarity with yoga.

The book is needed for several reasons: for mental health professionals, it offers a comprehensive overview of yoga philosophy and practices, as well as yoga-based options for working with the client’s embodied experience, a major element in trauma healing. For yoga professionals and practitioners, it provides insight into the natural integration of yoga with polyvagal theory and other current approaches in the field of somatic psychology. Both professions are currently being enriched by data from the field of neuropsychology that describes brain function, in real time, in various mental and emotional states. This data supports yoga’s effectiveness in regulating the autonomic nervous system, a key to trauma recovery.

Joann Lutz, MSW, LICSW, E-RYT, developer of "Nervous-System Informed, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga," has been training mental health professionals internationally for six years, as well as offering a certification program in this approach. She was the initiator and co-chair of the 2016 and 2017 national conferences, "Integrating Yoga into Mental Health Care," (USA), respectively, and continues to teach trauma-sensitive yoga classes to special populations.

She was the New England Coordinator for the Spiritual Emergence Network and created and taught the first East Coast-USA continuing education course on "Spirituality and Social Work" for social workers and other mental health professionals. Her website is

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