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Release Date:01 Jan 1992

Trees of Vancouver

A Guide to the Common and Unusual Trees of the City

UBC Press

Vancouver is famous for its trees. The range of vegetation in thisgreen city is extraordinary. Native and cultivated trees, many of whichare not found anywhere else in Canada, thrive in the mild, wet wintersand drier summers.

Gerald Straley, a leading researcher and a popular science educatorat the Botanical Garden at the University of British Columbia, knowsVancouver's woody, green heritage well. In this comprehensiveguide, the first of its kind, he draws attention to the great diversityof trees in the city -- on its streets, in its parks, and in its publicand private gardens.

Trees of Vancouver is an invaluable guidebook for visitorsand residents and an authoritative tool for horticulturists, landscapearchitects, naturalists, and the nursery industry. It providesdetailed, easy-to-understand information on over 470 kinds of trees.Each entry contains particulars about the origins, general appearance,merits, problems, and uses in landscaping of individual species. To aidfurther in identification, entries specify locations where outstandingexamples can be seen. The text is complemented by hundreds of theauthor's delicate drawings of the leaves, flowers, fruits, or otherdistinctive features of individual trees, and by colour plates of 86trees. For the reader who wants to spend a pleasant day exploring andidentifying specimens, there are detailed maps of several locations inthe city where a wide variety of trees can be seen.


  • 1992, Winner - Vancouver Book Award, City of Vancouver
  • 1993, Winner - Alcuin Citation for excellence in book design in Canada, Alcuin Society
The kind of book you end up appreciating more and more the more you use it. It's a super reference guide with great information on more than 470 kinds of trees that grow in Vancouver. It can be used by people who want to plan a day of exploring the trees in the city, as well as people who want to check out a specific type of tree before planting one in their yard. Steve Whysall, The Vancouver Sun
The next time I go to Vancouver, I will take this excellent book with me ... Dr. Straley writes with the knowledge of an expert and style of a first rate communicator. Christopher Woods, American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta Newsletter
Trees of Vancouver is a guide for everyone ... A book about Vancouver's trees is appreciated, as trees are a natural part of the environment in publicly owned gardens, parks, and streets ... The author must be applauded for cataloguing our city trees: both visitors and residents are interested in them. John Brodie, Discovery
Gerald B. Straley is Research Scientist and Curator ofCollections at the UBC Botanical Garden. He is also Adjunct Professorof Plant Science, and Research Associate and Director of the Herbariumin the Department of Botany at the University of British Columbia.



Where to See Trees in Vancouver

Trees in the Old Arboretum at UBC

Trees in The Crescent, Vancouver

Gymnosperms: Cone-Bearing and Related Trees

Angiosperms: Flowering Plants


References and Additional Reading

Index of Trees

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