Twentieth-Century Latin American Poetry
A Bilingual Anthology
Latin Americans have written some of the world's finest poetry in the twentieth century, as the Nobel Prizes awarded to Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda, and Octavio Paz attest. Yet this rich literary production has never been gathered into a single volume that attempts to represent the full range and the most important writers-until now. Here, under one cover, are the major poets and their major works, which appear both in the original language (Spanish or Portuguese) and in excellent English translations.
The poems selected include the most famous representative poems of each poetic tradition, accompanied by other poems that represent the best of that tradition and of each poet's work within it. Tapscott's selections cover the full range, from the Modernist generation though the Mexican Revolutionary post-Moderns and the Vanguardist poets to very contemporary younger writers of political and experimental commitments. In all, eighty-five poets, including Pablo Neruda, Nicanor Parra, Octavio Paz, Gabriela Mistral, Nicolás Guillén, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Carlos Pellicer, César Vallejo, and Cecília Meireles, and over 400 poems are included, often in translations by some of North America's most esteemed poets.
A very rich and illuminating new anthology that covers the entire sweep of Latin American poetry in the 20th century.... For everyone who thinks only of Pablo Neruda when they think of Latin American poetry, or of Neruda and Cesar Vallejo and Octavio Paz, this book will be a revelation.
One can say positively of this anthology that it will prove a timely stimulus to seek out the poetry of a number of lesser known Latin American writers.
Nothing in print that I know of will serve the general reader so generally or lastingly
as this anthology.
Love Sonnets / Cien sonetos de amor (UT Press, 1986).
- Preface
- A Note on the Poem Dates
- Introduction
- José Martí (Cuba, 1853-1895)
- Sueño despierto
- I Dream Awake, trans. Elinor Randall
- Contra el verso retórico...
- The Opposite of Ornate and Rhetorical Poetry, trans. Elinor Randall
- Versos sencillos: I, IX, X, XXXVI
- Simple Verses: I, IX, X, XXXVI, trans. Elinor Randall
- Dos patrias
- Two Countries, trans. Elinor Randall
- João da Cruz e Sousa (Brazil, 1861-1898)
- Antífona
- Antiphony, trans. Nancy Vieira Couto
- Acrobata da dor
- Acrobat of Pain, trans. Flavia Vidal
- Sexta-feira Santa
- Good Friday, trans. Flavia Vidal
- Ódio sagrado
- Sacred Hatred, trans. Flavia Vidal
- Rubén Darío (Nicaragua, 1867-1916)
- Primaveral
- Springtime, trans. Lysander Kemp
- Yo persigo una forma...
- I Seek a Form..., trans. Lysander Kemp
- Era un aire suave...
- It Was a Gentle Air..., trans. Lysander Kemp
- El cisne
- The Swan, trans. Lysander Kemp
- Sonatina
- Sonatina, trans. Lysander Kemp
- Caracol
- The Seashell, trans. Lysander Kemp
- Lo fatal
- Fatality, trans. Lysander Kemp
- A Roosevelt
- To Roosevelt, trans. Lysander Kemp
- Tarde del tropico
- Tropical Afternoon, trans. Lysander Kemp
- Nocturno
- Nocturne, trans. Lysander Kemp
- Triptico de Nicaragua
- Nicaraguan Triptych, trans. Lysander Kemp
- Ricardo Jaimes Freyre (Bolivia, 1870?-1933)
- Aeternum vale
- Eternal Farewell, trans. Victor Tulli
- El alba
- The Dawn, trans. Victor Tulli
- Las voces tristes
- The Sad Voices, trans. Iver Lofving
- Amado Nervo (Mexico, 1870—1919)
- Venganza
- Revenge, trans. Sue Standing
- El dolor vencido
- Sorrow Vanquished, trans. Sue Standing
- El don
- The Gift, trans. Sue Standing
- Éxtasis
- Ecstasy, trans. Sue Standing
- Enrique González Martínez (Mexico, 1871-1952)
- Tuércele el cuello al cisne...
- Wring the Swan's Neck, trans. Samuel Beckett
- Como hermana y hermano
- Like Sister and Brother, trans. Nancy Christoph
- El néctar de Ápam
- The Nectar of Apam, trans. Elizabeth Gordon
- La ventana
- The Window, trans. Elizabeth Gordon
- Dolor
- Pain, trans. Samuel Beckett
- Último viaje
- Last Journey, trans. Samuel Beckett
- José María Eguren (Peru, 1874-1942)
- Las torres
- The Towers, trans. Iver Lofving
- Los muertos
- The Dead, trans. Iver Lofving
- Las niñas de luz
- The Girls of the Light, trans. Iver Lofving
- Peregrín, cazador de figuras
- Peregrin, Wandering Hunter of Faces, trans. Iver Lofving
- Leopoldo Lugones (Argentina, 1874-1938)
- Delectación morosa
- Indulgence, trans. Julie Schumacher
- La blanca soledad
- White Solitude, trans. Julie Schumacher
- Salmo pluvial
- Rain Psalm, trans. Julie Schumacher
- Olas grises
- Gray Waves, trans. Julie Schumacher
- José Santos Chocano (Peru, 1875-1934)
- Blasón
- A Manifesto, trans. Andrew Rosing
- Los volcanes
- The Volcanoes, trans. Andrew Rosing
- El sueño del caimán
- The Dream of the Caiman, trans. Andrew Rosing
- El sueño del cóndor
- The Dream of the Condor, trans. Andrew Rosing
- Indignación
- Indignation, trans. Andrew Rosing
- ¡Quién sabe!
- Who Knows? trans. Andrew Rosing
- Julio Herrera y Reissig (Uruguay, 1875-1910)
- Julio
- July, trans. Andrew Rosing
- La sombra dolorosa
- The Sorrowful Shadow, trans. Andrew Rosing
- El regreso
- The Return, trans. Andrew Rosing
- Alba gris
- Grey Dawn, trans. Andrew Rosing
- Decoración heráldica
- Heraldic Decoration, trans. Andrew Rosing
- Delmira Agustini (Uruguay, 1886-1914)
- Las alas
- The Wings, trans. Elizabeth Gordon
- Otra estirpe
- Another Race, trans. Karl Kirchwey
- Visión
- Vision, trans. Karl Kirchwey
- Lo inefable
- The Ineffable, trans. Karl Kirchwey
- La barca milagrosa
- The Miraculous Ship, trans. Karl Kirchwey
- Manael Bandeira (Brazil, 1886-1968)
- Boda espiritual
- Spiritual Wedding, trans. Candace Slater
- Poética
- Poetics, trans. Candace Slater
- Evocação do Recife
- Evocation of Recife, trans. Candace Slater
- Mozart no céu
- Mozart in Heaven, trans. Dudley Poore
- Vou-me embora pra Pasárgada
- Off to Pasárgada, trans. Candace Slater
- Rondó dos cavalinhos
- Rondeau of the Little Horses, trans. Candace Slater
- Retrato
- Portrait, trans. Candace Slater
- Entrevista
- Interview, trans. Candace Slater
- Ramón López Velarde (Mexico, 1888-1921)
- Mi prima Agueda
- My Cousin Agueda, trans. Samuel Beckett
- Domingos de provincia
- Provincial Sundays, trans. Julián Manríquez
- El retorno maléfico
- Baleful Return, trans. Victor Tulli
- Tierra mojada
- Wet Earth, trans. Samuel Beckett
- Hormigas
- Ants, trans. Samuel Beckett
- Gabriela Mistral [Lucila Godoy Alcayaga] (Chile, 1889-1957)
- Decálogo del artista
- Decalogue of the Artist, trans. Doris Dana
- La casa
- The House, trans. Doris Dana
- Apegado a mí
- Close to Me, trans. Doris Dana
- La flor del aire
- The Flower of Air, trans. Doris Dana
- Una palabra
- One Word, trans. Doris Dana
- Una mujer
- A Woman, trans. Doris Dana
- Último árbol
- Final Tree, trans. Doris Dana
- Alfonso Reyes (Mexico, 1889-1959)
- La amenaza de la flor
- The Menace of the Flower, trans. Samuel Beckett
- Apenas
- Scarcely..., trans. Samuel Beckett
- Yerbas del tarahumara
- Tarahumara Herbs, trans. Samuel Beckett
- Sol de Monterrey
- Monterrey Sun, trans. Samuel Beckett
- Oswald de Andrade (Brazil, 1890-1954)
- falação
- Babbling, trans. Flavia Vidal
- erro de português
- Portuguese Mistake, trans. Flavia Vidal
- fronteira
- Frontier, trans. Flavia Vidal
- o hierofante
- Hierofant, trans. Flavia Vidal
- buena-dicha
- Good Luck, trans. Flavia Vidal
- plebiscito
- Election, trans. Flavia Vidal
- César Vallejo (Peru/France, 1892?-1938)
- Los heraldos negros
- The Black Messengers, trans. Rachel Benson
- Heces
- Down to the Dregs, trans. James Wright
- Ágape
- Agape, trans. Ed Dorn and Gordon Brotherston
- El pan nuestro
- Our Daily Bread, trans. James Wright
- A mi hermano Miguel
- To My Brother Miguel, trans. John Knoepfle and James Wright
- "Pienso en tu sexo"
- "I'm thinking of your sex," trans. Sandy McKinney
- "Fué Domingo en las claras orejas de mi burro"
- "It Was Sunday in the fair ears of my burro," trans. Clayton Eshleman
- "Voy a hablar de la esperanza"
- "I am going to talk about hope," trans. Robert Bly
- Piedra negra sobre una piedra blanca :
- Black Stone Lying on a White Stone, trans. Robert Bly and John Knoepfle
- "Hoy me gusta la vida mucho menos"
- "Today I like life much less," trans. Clayton Eshleman,
- Poema para ser leído y cantado
- Poem to Be Read and Sung, trans. Clayton Eshleman
- "La cólera que quiebra al hombre en niños"
- Anger, trans. Thomas Merton
- "Un hombre pasa con un pan al hombro"
- "A man walks by with a loaf of bread on his shoulder," trans. Clayton Eshleman
- España, aparta de mí este cáliz
- Spain, Take This Cup from Me, trans. Clayton Eshleman
- IX. Pequeño responso a un héroe de la República/Short Prayer for a Loyalist Hero
- XII. Masa / Mass
- XIV España, aparta de mí este cáliz /Spain, Take This Cup from Me
- Alfonsina Storni (Argentina, 1892-1938)
- Peso ancestral
- Ancestral Burden, trans. Andrew Rosing
- La garra blanca
- The White Claw, trans. Andrew Rosing
- Carta lírica a otra mujer
- Lyrical Letter to the Other Woman, trans. Dana Stangel
- Dolor
- Sorrow, trans. Andrew Rosing
- Yo en el fondo del mar
- Me at the Bottom of the Sea, trans. Andrew Rosing
- Voy a dormir
- I'm Going to Sleep, trans. Andrew Rosing
- Mário de Andrade (Brazil, 1893-1945)
- Inspiração
- Inspiration, trans. Jack E. Tomlins
- Os cortejos
- The Processions, trans. Jack E. Tomlins
- Domingo
- Sunday, trans. Jack E. Tomlins
- Nocturno
- Nocturne, trans. Jack E. Tomlins
- Alfonso Cortés (Nicaragua, 1893-1969)
- La canción del espacio
- Space Song, trans. Thomas Merton
- La gran plegaria
- Great Prayer, trans. Thomas Merton
- Vicente Huidobro (Chile, 1893-1948)
- Arte poética
- Ars Poetica, trans. David M. Guss
- Marino
- Sailor, trans. David M. Guss
- Altazor [Selecciones]
- Altazor [Selections], trans. Stephen Fredman
- Rincones sordos
- Quiet Spaces, trans. Stephen Fredman
- La poesía es un atentado celeste
- Poetry Is a Heavenly Crime, trans. W. S. Merwin
- Juana de Ibarbourou [Juanita Fernández Morales] (Uruguay, 1895-1979)
- La hora
- The Hour, trans. Sophie Cabot Black
- El fuerte lazo
- The Strong Bond, trans. Sophie Cabot Black and Maria Negroni
- Vida-garfio
- Life-Hook, trans. Sophie Cabot Black and Maria Negroni
- Noche de lluvia
- Rainy Night, trans. Sophie Cabot Black
- Raíz salvaje
- Wild Root, trans. Sophie Cabot Black and Maria Negroni
- Mujer
- Woman, trans. Sophie Cabot Black
- Jorge de Lima (Brazil, 1895-1953)
- Essa negra Fulô
- That Black Girl Fulô, trans. Elizabeth Gordon
- As trombetas
- The Trumpets, trans. Luiz Fernández García
- Estrangeiro, estrangeiro
- Stranger, Stranger, trans. Luiz Fernández García
- As palavras de despedida
- Words of Departure, trans. Luiz Fernández García
- Raul Bopp (Brazil, 1898-1984)
- Cobra Norato: II, IV, VI, XI, XV
- Black Snake: II, IV, VI, XI, XV, trans. Renato Rezende
- Ricardo Molinari (Argentina, 1898-1996)
- Poema de la Niña Velázqueña
- Poem of the Girl from Velázquez, trans. Inés Probert
- Oda a una larga tristeza
- Ode to a Long Sorrow, trans. Inés Probert
- Pequeña oda a la melancolía
- Little Ode to Melancholy, trans. Inés Probert
- Luis Palés Matos (Puerto Rico, 1898-1959)
- Pueblo
- Pueblo, trans. Barry Luby
- Elegia del Duque de la Mermelada
- Elegy for the Duke of Marmalade, trans. Ellen G. Matilla and Diego de la Texera
- Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina, 1899-1986)
- Un patio
- Patio, trans. Robert Fitzgerald
- Casas como ángeles
- Houses like Angels, trans. Robert Fitzgerald
- Fundación mítica de Buenos Aires
- The Mythical Founding of Buenos Aires, trans. Alastair Reid
- Poema conjetural
- Conjectural Poem, trans. Norman Thomas di Giovanni
- Poema de los dones
- Poem of the Gifts, trans. Ben Belitt
- El otro tigre
- The Other Tiger, trans. Norman Thomas di Giovanni
- Arte poética
- Ars Poetica, trans. W. S. Merwin
- Límites
- Limits (or Good-byes), trans. Alan Dugan
- Evernes
- Everness, trans. Richard Wilbur
- Spinoza
- Spinoza, trans. Richard Howard and César Rennert
- El mar
- The Sea, trans. John Updike
- Claudia Lars [Carmen Brannon Beers] (El Salvador, 1899-1974)
- Dibujo de la mujer que llega
- Sketch of the Frontier Woman, trans. Donald D. Walsh
- Evocación de Gabriela Mistral
- Recollection of Gabriela Mistral, trans. Nancy Christoph
- Carlos Pellicer (Mexico, 1899-1977)
- Deseos
- Wishes, trans. Donald Justice
- Estudios
- Studies, trans. Donald Justice
- A la poesía
- To Poetry, trans. Alexandra Migoya
- Grupos de palomas
- Flocks of Doves, trans. Alexandra Migoya
- José Gorostiza (Mexico, 1901-1973)
- ¿Quien me compra una naranja?
- Who Will Buy Me an Orange? trans. Rachel Benson
- Elegía
- Elegy, trans. Rachel Benson
- Luciérnagas
- Fireflies, trans. Rachel Benson
- Muerte sin fin [Selección]
- Death without End [Selection], trans. Rachel Benson
- Cecília Meireles (Brazil, 1901-1964)
- Retrato
- Portrait, trans. Luiz Fernández García
- Desenho
- Sketch, trans. Luiz Fernández García
- Vigilía
- Vigil, trans. James Merrill
- Balada das dez bailarinas do cassino
- Ballad of the Ten Casino Dancers,trans. James Merrill
- O cavalo morto
- The Dead Horse, trans. James Merrill
- Carlos Drummond de Andrade (Brazil, 1902-1987)
- Poema de sete faces
- Seven-sided Poem, trans. Elizabeth Bishop
- Infância
- Infancy, trans. Elizabeth Bishop
- No meio do caminho
- In the Middle of the Road, trans. John Nist
- Não se mate
- Don't Kill Yourself, trans. Elizabeth Bishop
- Viagem na família
- Traveling as a Family, trans. Virginia de Araújo
- Resíduo
- Residue, trans. Virginia de Araújo
- Retrato de família
- Portrait of a Family, trans. Virginia de Araújo
- Canto esponjoso
- Diminutive, trans. Virginia de Araújo
- Um boi vê os homens
- An Ox Looks at Man, trans. Mark Strand
- Elegia
- Elegy, trans. Virginia de Araújo
- Nicolás Guillén (Cuba, 1902-1989)
- Pequeña oda a un negro boxeador cubano
- Small Ode to a Black Cuban Boxer, trans. Robert Márquez and David Arthur McMurray
- El apellido
- My Last Name, trans. Robert Márquez and David Arthur McMurray
- Bares
- Bars, trans. Eric Orozco
- Jaime Torres Bodet (Mexico, 1902-1974)
- Vivir
- Living, trans. Sonja Karsen
- Dédalo
- Labyrinth, trans. Sonja Karsen
- Patria
- My Country, trans. Sonja Karsen
- Éxodo
- Exodus, trans. Sonja Karsen
- Resumen
- Summary, trans. Sonja Karsen
- Jorge Carrera Andrade (Ecuador, 1903-1978)
- La vida perfecta
- The Perfect Life, trans. Dudley Fitts
- El reloj
- The Clock, trans. Michael Surman
- Domingo
- Sunday, trans. Muna Lee de Muñoz Marín
- Segunda vida de mi madre
- Second Life of My Mother, trans. Muna Lee de Muñoz Marín
- Transfiguración de la lluvia
- Transfiguration of the Rain, trans. Michael Surman
- Eugenio Florit (Cuba, 1903 - )
- Elegía para tu ausencia
- Elegy for Your Absence, trans. H. R. Hays
- Martirio de San Sebastián
- The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, trans. Peter Fortunato
- Tarde presente
- The Present Evening, trans. H. R. Hays
- Henriqueta Lisboa (Brazil, 1903-1985)
- Idílio
- Idyll, trans. Hélcio Veiga Costa
- Eco
- Echo, trans. Hélcio Veiga Costa
- Elegia
- Elegy, trans. Hélcio Veiga Costa
- Camélia
- Camellia, trans. Hélcio Veiga Costa
- Além da Imagem
- Beyond the Image, trans. Hélcio Veiga Costa
- Xavier Villaurrutia (Mexico ,1903-1950)
- Poesía
- Poetry, trans. Dana Stangel
- Nocturno de Los Ángeles
- Los Angeles Nocturne, trans. Rachel Benson
- Nocturno
- Nocturne, trans. Xavier Leroux
- Nocturno de la estatua
- Nocturne of the Statue, trans. Dana Stangel
- Nuestro amor
- Our Love, trans. Michael Surman
- Pablo Neruda [Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto] (Chile, 1904-1973)
- Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
- Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, trans. W. S. Merwin:
- I. Cuerpo de mujer / Body of a Woman
- VII. Inclinado en las tardes... / Leaning into the Afternoons...
- XX. Puedo escribir los versos... / Tonight I Can Write...
- Galope muerto
- Dead Gallop, trans. John Felstiner
- Walking around
- Walking around, trans. Ben Belitt
- Explico algunas cosas
- I'm Explaining a Few Things, trans. Nathaniel Ta
- Algunas bestias
- Some Beasts, trans. James Wright
- Alturas de Macchu Picchu
- The Heights of Macchu Picchu
- VI, trans. Nathaniel Tarn
- X, trans. John Felstiner
- XII, trans. David Young
- La United Fruit Co.
- United Fruit Co., trans. Jack Schmitt
- América, no invoco tu nombre en vano
- America, I Do Not Call Your Name without Hope, trans. Robert Bly
- Oda a los calcetines
- Ode to My Socks, trans. Robert Bly
- Oda a César Vallejo
- Ode to César Vallejo, trans. Stephen Tapscott
- Oda a la pereza
- Ode to Laziness, trans. William Carlos Williams
- Oda a la sal
- Ode to Salt, trans. Margaret Sayers Peden
- Cien sonetos de amor: V, XVI, XCII
- One Hundred Love Sonnets: V, XVI, XCII, trans. Stephen Tapscott
- Sara de Ibáñez (Uruguay, 1910-1971)
- Isla en la tierra
- Island in the Earth, trans. Inés Probert
- Isla en la luz
- Island in the Light, trans. Inés Probert
- Tú, por mi pensamiento
- You, for My Meditation, trans. Andrew Rosing
- La página vacía
- The Empty Page, trans. Andrew Rosing
- No puedo
- I Cannot, trans. Andrew Rosing
- José Lezama Lima (Cuba, 1910-1976)
- Ah, que tú escapes
- Ah, That You Escape, trans. Willis Barnstone
- Una oscura pradera me convida
- A Dark Meadow Invites Me, trans. Willis Barnstone
- Llamado del deseoso
- Call of the Desirous, trans. Willis Barnstone
- Rapsodia para el mulo
- Rhapsody for the Mule, trans. José Rodríguez Feo, Dudley Fitts, and Donald D. Walsh
- Los fragmentos de la noche
- The Fragments of the Night, trans. Willis Barnstone
- Retrato de José Cemí [de la novela Paradiso]
- Portrait of José Cemí [from the novel Paradiso], trans. Gregory Rabassa
- Enrique Molina (Argentina, 1910-1996)
- Mientras corren los grandes días
- As the Great Days Flow, trans. Naomi Lindstrom
- Como debe de ser
- The Way It Must Be, trans. Naomi Lindstrom
- Pablo Antonio Cuadra (Nicaragua, 1912 - )
- El nacimiento del sol
- The Birth of the Sun, trans. Thomas Merton
- Caballos en el lago
- Horses in the Lake, trans. Grace Schulman and Ann McCarthy de Zavala
- Manuscrito en una botella
- Manuscript in a Bottle, trans. Grace Schulman and Ann McCarthy de Zavala
- La estrella vespertina
- The Evening Star, trans. Grace Schulman and Ann McCarthy de Zavala
- Julio Cortázar (Argentina, 1914-1984)
- Conducta de los espejos en la isla de Pascua
- The Behavior of Mirrors on Easter Island, trans. Paul Blackburn
- Historia verídica
- A Very Real Story, trans. Paul Blackburn
- Las líneas de la mano
- The Lines of the Hand, trans. Paul Blackburn
- Costumbres de los famas
- Normal Behavior of the Famas, trans. Paul Blackburn
- Viajes
- Travel, trans. Paul Blackburn
- Efraín Huerta (Mexico, 1914-1982)
- Declaración de odio
- Declaration of Hate, trans. Beth Henson
- Los hombres del alba
- Men of Dawn, trans. Beth Henson
- Este es un amor
- This is a Love, trans. Beth Henson
- Nicanor Parra (Chile, 1914 - )
- Solo de piano
- Piano Solo, trans. William Carlos Williams
- El Túnel
- The Tunnel, trans. W. S. Merwin
- La víbora
- The Viper, trans. W S. Merwin
- Pido que se levante la sesión
- I Move the Meeting Be Adjourned, trans. Allen Ginsberg
- Momias
- Mummies, trans. Tbomas Merton
- La montaña rusa
- Roller Coaster, trans. Miller Williams
- El pequeño burgués
- Litany of the Little Bourgeois, trans. James Laughlin
- Octavio Paz (Mexico, 1914-1998)
- Misterio
- Mystery, trans. Muriel Rukeyser
- Lago
- Lake, trans. Rachel Benson
- Himno entre ruinas
- Hymn among the Ruins, trans. William Carlos Williams
- Piedra nativa
- Native Stone, trans. Muriel Rukeyser
- Aquí
- Here, trans. Charles Tomlinson
- Certeza
- Certainty, trans. Charles Tomlinson
- Pueblo
- Village, trans. Charles Tomlinson
- La arboleda
- The Grove, trans. Elizabeth Bishop with Octavio Paz
- Viento, agua, piedra
- Wind and Water and Stone, trans. Mark Strand
- Entre lo que veo y digo...
- Between What I See and What I Say..., trans. Eliot Weinberger
- Entre irse y quedarse
- Between Going and Staying, trans. Eliot Weinberger
- Árbol adentro
- A Tree Within, trans. Eliot Weinlberger
- Julia de Burgos (Puerto Rico, 1917-1953)
- A Julia de Burgos
- To Julia de Burgos, trans. Grace Schulman
- Poema para mi muerte
- Poem to My Death, trans. Grace Schulman
- Violeta Parra (Chile, 1917-1967)
- Gracias a la vida
- Here's to Life, trans. Joan Baez and John Upton
- Gonzalo Rojas (Chile, 1917- )
- Cama con espejos
- Bed with Mirrors, trans. Christopher Maurer
- Versículos
- Chapter and Verse, trans. Christopher Maurer
- Y nacer es aquí una fiesta innombrable
- And to Be Born Is Here an Unnameable Feast, trans. Christopher Maurer
- Mario Benedetti (Uruguay, 1920- )
- Con permiso
- Wlth Your Permission, trans. David Arthur McMurray
- Todos conspiramos
- We All Conspire, trnns. Sophie Cabot Black and Maria Negroni
- João Cabral de Melo Neto (Brazil, 1920- )
- A Carlos Drummond de Andrade
- To Carlos Drummond de Andrade, tran: Guy Pacitti
- Cemitério pernambucano
- Cemetery in Pernambuco, trans. Jane Cooper
- Uma faca só lâmina [Seleçãoes]
- The Knife That Is All Blade [Selections[, trans. Elizabeth Gordon
- Duas das festas da morte
- Two of the Festivals of Death, trans. W. S. Merwin
- A educação pela pedra
- Education by Stone, trans. James Wright
- O canavial e o mar
- The Canefield and the Sea, trans. Louis Simpson
- O mar e o canavial
- The Sea and the Canefield, trans. Louis Simpson
- Tecendo a manhã
- Weaving the Morning, trans Galway Kinnell
- Os vazios do homem
- The Emptiness of Man, trans. Galway Kinnell
- Olga Orozco (Argentina, 1920 - )
- Miss Havisham
- Miss Havisham, trans. Stephen Tapscott
- Olga Orozco
- Olga Orozco, trans. Stephen Tapscott
- Para hacer un talismán
- To Make a Talisman, trans. Stephen Tapscott
- La realidad y el deseo
- Reality and Desire, trans. Stephen Tapscott
- Eunice Odio (Costa Rica / Mexico, 1922-1974)
- Recuerdo de mi infancia privada
- Memory of My Private Childhood, trans. Suzanne Jill Levine
- Creación
- Creation, trans. Martha Collins
- Prólogo del tiempo que no está en sí
- Prologue to a Time That Is Not Itself, trans. Martha Collins
- Carta a Carlos Pellicer
- Letter to Carlos Pellicer, trans. Martha Collins
- Álvaro Mutis (Colombia, 1923 - )
- Amén
- Amen, trans. Sophie Cabot Black and Maria Negroni
- Canción del este
- East Song, trans. Sophie Cabot Black and Maria Negroni
- Una palabra
- A Word, trans. Sophie Cabot Black and Maria Negroni
- Sonata
- Sonata, trans. Sophie Cabot Black and Maria Negroni
- Claribel Alegría (El Salvador, 1924 - )
- Hacia la edad jurásica
- Toward the Jurassic Age, trans. Carolyn Forché
- Éramos tres
- We Were Three, trans Carolyn. Forché
- Erivesto Cardenal (Nicaragua, 1925 - )
- León
- León, trans. Jonathan Cohen
- Como latas de cerveza vacías
- Like Empty Beer Cans, trans. Thomas Merton
- Salmo 5
- Psalm 5, trans. Robert Márquez
- Oración por Marilyn Monroe
- Prayer for Marilyn Monroe, trans. Robert Pring-Mill
- Luces
- Lights, trans. Jonathan Cohen
- Rosario Castellanos (Mexico, 1925 - 1974)
- Una palmera
- A Palm Tree, trans. Myralyn F. Allgood
- El otro
- The Other, trans. Maureen Ahern
- Poesía no eres tú
- You Are Not Poetry, trans. Maureen Ahern
- El retorno
- The Return, trans. Magda Bogin
- Roberto Juarróz (Argentina, 1925 - )
- Hay puntos de silencio rodeando al corazón...
- There Are Points of Silence Circling the Heart..., trans. W. S. Merwin
- Véase primero el aire y su elemento negro que no cesa...
- Look First at the Air and Its Black Element Which Never Stops..., trans. W. S. Merwin
- La vida dibuja un árbol
- Life Draws a Tree..., trans. W. S. Merwin
- En alguna parte hay un hombre...
- Somewhere There's a Man..., trans. W. S. Merwin
- Jaime Sabines (Mexico, 1925 - )
- Yo no lo sé de cierto...
- I Do Not Know It for Sure..., trans. Isabel Bize
- Los amorosos
- The Lovers, trans. Claudine-Marie D'Angelo
- Entresuelo
- Entresol, trans. Claudine-Marie D'Angelo
- Caprichos
- Capriccios, trans. Claudine-Marie D'Angelo
- Si alguien te dice que no es cierto
- If Someone Tells You It's Not for Sure, trans. Philip Levine
- Carlos Germán Belli (Peru, 1927 - )
- Segregación no. 1
- Segregation #1, trans. Isabel Bize
- Por qué me han mudado
- Why Have They Moved Me, trans. David Tipton and Maureen Ahern
- Una desconocida voz...
- An Unknown Voice.... trans. David Tipton and Maureen Ahern
- ¡Abajo las lonjas!
- Down with the Money-Exchange, trans. David Tipton and Maureen Ahern
- Papá, mamá
- Father, Mother, trans. David Tipton and Maureen Ahern
- ¡Oh padres, sabedlo bien...!
- My Parents, Know It Well, trans. David Tipton and Maureen Ahern
- Ernesto [Che] Guevara (Argentina/Cuba, 1928-1967)
- Canto a Fidel
- Song to Fidel, trans. Ed Dorn and Gordon Brotherston
- Enrique Lihn (Chile, 1929- )
- La pieza oscura
- The Dark Room, trans. David Unger
- Barro
- Mud, trans. John Felstiner
- Recuerdos de matrimonio
- Memories of Marriage, trans. John Felstiner
- Cementerio de Punta Arenas
- Cemetery in Punta Arenas, trans. David Unger
- Revolución
- Revolution, trans. Jonathan Cohen
- Juan Gelman (Argentina, 1930- )
- Los ojos
- Eyes, trans. Elinor Randall and Robert Márquez
- Épocas
- Epochs, trans. Elinor Randall and Robert Márquez
- Historia
- History, trans. Robert Márquez
- Ferreira Gullar [José Ribamar Ferreira] (Brazil, 1930 - )
- Oswald morto
- Oswald Dead, trans. Renato Rezende
- No corpo
- In the Body, trans. Renato Rezende
- No mundo há muitas armadilhas
- There Are Many Traps in the World, trans. Renato Rezende
- Poster
- Poster, trans. Renato Rezende
- Cantada
- Sweet Talk, trans. Renato Rezende
- Barulho
- Noise, trans. Renato Rezende
- Heberto Padilla (Cuba, 1932- )
- Una pregunta a la escuela de Frankfurt
- A Question for the Frankfurt School, trans. Alastair Reid and Andrew Hurley
- Autorretrato del otro
- Self-Portrait of the Other, trans. Alastair Reid and Andrew Hurley
- Herencias
- Legacies, trans. Alastair Reid and Andrew Hurley
- La promesa
- The Promise, trans. Alastair Reid and Alexander Coleman
- Gabriel Zaid (Mexico, 1934- )
- Canción de seguimiento
- Song of Pursuit, trans. Mónica Hernández-Cancio
- Claridad furiosa
- A Furious Clarity, trans. George McWhirter
- Claustro
- Cloister, trans. Mónica Hernández-Cancio
- Circe
- Circe, trans. Andrew Rosing
- Práctica mortal
- Mortal Practice, trans. Mónica Hernández-Cancio
- Reloj del sol
- Sundial, trans. Adrian Hernandez
- Roque Dalton (El Salvador, 1935-1975)
- Arte poética
- Ars Poetica, trans. Richard Schaaf
- Buscándome líos
- Looking for Trouble, trans. Richard Schaaf
- El descanso del guerrero
- Soldier's Rest, trans. Richard Schaaf
- La pequeña burguesía
- The Petty Bourgeoisie, trans. Richard Schaaf
- De un revolucionario a J. L. Borges
- From a Revolutionary to J. L. Borges, trans. Julie Schumacher
- Victor Jara (Chile, 1935-1973)
- Estadio Chile
- Estadio Chile, trans. Joan Jara
- Adélia Prado (Brazil, 1935- )
- Graça
- Grace, trans. Marcia Kirinus
- Sesta
- Siesta, trans. Marcia Kirinzs
- Fluência
- Fluency, trans. Marcia Kirinus
- tral
- Stained Glass Window, trans. Marcia Kirinus
- O pelicano
- The Pelican, trans. Marcia Kirinus
- Em português
- In Portuguese, trans. Marcia Kirinus
- Jorge Teillier (Chile, 1935- )
- Puente en el Sur
- Bridge in the South, trans. Carolyne Wright
- Retrato de mi padre, militante comunista
- Portait of My Father, Militant Communist, trans. Carolyne Wright
- Sin señal de vida
- No Sign of Life, trans. Carolyne Wright
- Alejandra Pizarnik (Argentina, 1936-1972)
- El despertar
- The Awakening, trans. Frank Graziano and María Rosa Fort
- Exilio
- Exile, trans. Frank Graziano and María Rosa Fort
- Cenizas
- Ashes, trans. Frank Graziano and María Rosa Fort
- Poema para el padre
- Poem for the Father, trans. Frank Graziano and María Rosa Fort
- Óscar Hahn (Chile, 1938- )
- Gladiolos junto al mar
- Gladioli by the Sea, trans. Isabel Bize
- El hombre
- Man, trans. Sandy McKinney
- La muerte está sentada a los pies de mi cama
- Death Is Sitting at the Foot of My Bed, trans. Sandy McKinney
- Visión de Hiroshima
- Vision of Hiroshima, trans. Sandy McKinney
- José Emilio Pacheco (Mexico, 1939-)
- Alta traición
- High Treason, trans. Alastair Reid
- Indagación en torno del murciélago
- An Enquiry Concerning the Bat, trans. Alastair Reid
- Job 18, 2
- Job 18, 2, trans. Alastair Reid
- Límites
- Boundaries, trans. John Frederick Nims
- Homero Aridjis (Mexico, 1940- )
- Epitafio para un poeta
- Epitaph for a Poet, trans. John Frederick Nims
- Cae la lluvia...
- The Rain Is Falling, trans. John Frederick Nims
- Salir de la mujer es separarse
- To Emerge from a Woman Is to Become Separate, trans. W. S. Merwin
- Descomposición con risa
- Decomposition with Laughter, trans. Jerome Rothenberg
- Carta de México
- Letter from Mexico, trans. Eliot Weinberger
- El poema
- The Poem, trans. Eliot Weinberger
- Antonio Cisneros (Peru, 1942 - )
- Karl Marx died 1883 aged 65
- Karl Marx, Died 1883 Aged 65, trans. Maureen Ahern and David Tipton
- La araña cuelga demasiado lejos de la tierra
- The Spider Hangs Too Far from the Ground, trans. William Rowe
- A una dama muerta
- To a Dead Lady, trans. Maureen Ahern and David Tipton
- Dos soledades
- Loneliness
- I. Hampton Court, trans. William Rowe
- II. Paris 5e, trans. Maureen Ahern and David Tipton
- Nancy Morejón (Cuba, 1944- )
- Madre
- Mother, trans. Kathleen Weaver
- Amor, ciudad atribuída
- Love, Attributed City, trans. Kathleen Weaver
- Richard trajo su flauta
- Richard Brought His Flute, trans. Kathleen Weaver
- Desilusión para Rubén Darío
- Disillusion for Rubén Darío, trans. Kathleen Weaver
- Octavio Armand (Cuba/U.S.A., 1946- )
- Braille para mano izquierda
- Braille for Left Hand, trans. Carol Maier
- Soneto
- Sonnet, trans. Jason Shinder
- Otra poética
- Another Poetics, trans. Carol Maier
- Poema con piel
- Poem with Skin, trans. Carol Maier
- A buen entendedor, pocas palabras
- A Word to the Wise, trans. Carol Maier
- Raúl Zurita (Chile, 1951- )
- Las espejeantes playas
- The Sparkling Beaches, trans. Jack Schmitt
- La marcha de las cordilleras
- The March of the Cordilleras, trans. Jack Schmitt
- Aún abandonados florecerían
- Even Forsaken They'd Flower, trans. Jack Schmitt
- VI
- VI, trans. Jack Schmitt
- Esplendor en el viento
- Splendor in the Wind, trans. Jack Schmitt
- Marjorie Agosin (Chile/U.S.A., 1955 - )
- La danza
- The Dance, trans. Cola Franzen
- Appendix: Poems By Brazilian Concretists
- Select Bibliographies: Major Works, Chiefly Poetry
- Acknowledgments
- Index Of First Lines (Original Language)
- Index Of First Lines (English)
- Index Of Authors And Titles