Walking on Water and Other Stories
248 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:28 Feb 1996
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Walking on Water and Other Stories

Edited by Allen Wier
University of Alabama Press
Walking on Water gathers together an engaging and compelling
collection of short stories by 24 of the many talented writers to have
graduated from The University of Alabama's Program in Creative Writing
over the past 20 years. Editor Allen Wier, who taught fiction writing
at Alabama from 1980 to 1994, offers us in this celebration of writing
a variety of fictional voices that represent widely differing
sensibilities and visions. Some stories are by writers whose literary
careers are well begun, while others appear here in print for the first
time. Wier named the collection after the story by Kim Trevathan, this
author's first published fiction, because walking
on water is such an apt figure for what the fiction writer attempts
with each new story's beginning.

Walking on Water is an outstanding anthology, surprising in the rich
variety of its voices and stances, extraordinary in the sustained quality
of all of the 24 stories.
Allen Wier -- Vice Chancellor of the Fellowship of Southern Writers -- is the author of a book of stories, Things About to Disappear, and four novels, Blanco, Departing as Air, A Place for Outlaws and Tehano. Wier has edited Voicelust: Eight Contemporary Writers on Style and Walking on Water and Other Stories. His fiction and essays have appeared in The Southern Review, Five Points, The Georgia Review, Ploughshares, Shenandoah and The New York Times.  Awards include the John Dos Passos Prize for Literature and the Robert Penn Warren Award for Fiction from the Fellowship of Southern Writers. Wier teaches at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville where he was awarded the Hodges Chair for Distinguished Teaching
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