Release Date:31 Dec 2012
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War Memories, Monuments and Media

Representations of Conflicts and Creation of Histories of World War II

Ateneo De Manila, Ateneo De Manila Univ Press

Is there any unspoken history of the war? Is the history of wars and conflicts in any country a matter of what can be edified as well as remembered and constructed? Who and what engineer the memories of the past? Those questions are the reasons for this book. It contains four interrogations on why and how the memories were selected and the histories of the war were created. The sites where the memories emerge are no less grand. There is the cinema. There are the day-to-day newspaper, journal, and television presentations. Then there are the ruins, from which arose a memory so conflicted that the resurrection has created more conflicts. These continuously create, reproduce and overwrite our remembering of the history of the war.

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