Women's Movements in the United States
258 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Sep 1990
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Women's Movements in the United States

Woman Suffrage, Equal Rights, and Beyond

Rutgers University Press

Steven Buecheler has written a comparative sociological analysis of the woman suffrage movement (1840s-1920) and the contemporary women’s movement (1960s to the present). His identification of similarities and differences between these movements reveals persistent feminist issues over time as well as the distinctive concerns of each movement in the sociohistorical context. Buecheler compares these two movements in terms of their origins, organizations, ideologies, class and racial diversities, countermovement’s, and outcomes. He uses resource mobilization theory.

                Buecheler explains why women’s movements arise, the forms of organization they adopt, the diversity of ideologies they espouse, and the class and racial composition of women’s movements. He also helps us to understand the roots of countermovements, as well as the mixture of successes and failures that has characterized both past and present women’s movements. While recognizing both the setbacks and the victories of the contemporary movement, Buecheler identifies grounds for relative optimism about the lasting consequences of this ongoing mobilization.

Buechler also explores the complex relationship between social change and social movements. Rapid change both enables and constricts the potential for collective action, which in turn reshapes social structure, By studying long-lived moments in a comparative framework, Buechler sheds light on the broader dialectical relation between agency and structure that is embodied in movement efforts at social change.

Brings together rich and varied primary material to make a significant contribution to the literature of the women's movement. Verta Taylor, Ohio State University
Steven M. Buechler is an associtate professor of sociology at Mankato State University in Minnesota and the author of The Transformation of the Woman Suffrage Movement: The Case of Illinois, 1850-1920 (Rutgers University Press).
1 Roots and Origins
2 Organizations and Communities
3 Ideologies and Visions
4 Classes and Races
5 Opposition and Countermovements
6 Endings and Futures 
Author Index
Subject Index
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