Writing Program Architecture
Thirty Cases for Reference and Research
Writing Program Architecture offers an unprecedented abundance of information concerning the significant material, logistical, and rhetorical features of writing programs. Presenting the realities of thirty diverse and award-winning programs, contributors to the volume describe reporting lines, funding sources, jurisdictions, curricula, and other critical programmatic matters and provide insight into their program histories, politics, and philosophies.
Each chapter opens with a program snapshot that includes summary demographic and historical information and then addresses the profile of the WPA, program conception, population served, funding, assessment, technology, curriculum, and more. The architecture of the book itself makes comparison across programs and contexts easy, not only among the programs described in each chapter but also between the program in any given chapter and the reader’s own program. An online web companion to the book includes access to the primary documents that have been of major importance to the development or sustainability of the program, described in a “Primary Document” section of each chapter.
The metaphor of architecture allows us to imagine the constituent parts of a writing program as its foundation, beams, posts, scaffolding—the institutional structures that, alongside its people, anchor a program to the ground and keep it standing. The most extensive resource on program structure available to the field, Writing Program Architecture illuminates structural choices made by leaders of exemplary programs around the United States and provides an authoritative source of standard practice that a WPA might use to articulate programmatic choices to higher administration.
Contributors: Susan Naomi Bernstein, Remica Bingham-Risher, Brent Chappelow, Malkiel Choseed, Angela Clark-Oates, Patrick Clauss, Emily W. Cosgrove, Thomas Deans, Bridget Draxler, Leigh Ann Dunning, Greg A. Giberson, Maggie Griffin Taylor, Paula Harrington, Sandra Jamieson, Marshall Kitchens, Michael Knievel, Amy Lannin, Christopher LeCluyse, Sarah Liggett, Deborah Marrott, Mark McBeth, Tim McCormack, John McCormick, Heather McGrew, Heather McKay, Heidi A. McKee, Julianne Newmark, Lori Ostergaard, Joannah Portman-Daley, Jacqueline Preston, James P. Purdy, Ben Rafoth, Dara Regaignon, Nedra Reynolds, Shirley Rose, Bonnie Selting, Stacey Sheriff, Steve Simpson, Patricia Sullivan, Kathleen Tonry, Sanford Tweedie, Meg Van Baalen-Wood, Shevaun Watson, Christy I. Wenger, Lisa Wilkinson, Candace Zepeda
‘The book will be tremendously useful to WPAs at all stages in their careers. . . . Because it is such a unique contribution to WPA literature, many readers may find themselves thinking that they didn’t realize they needed a resource like this, but they will be very glad to have it.’
—Pegeen Reichert Powell, Columbia College Chicago
Bryna Siegel Finer is an associate professor, director of Liberal Studies English, and the founding director of the Writing Across the Curriculum program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she has also coordinated the first-year writing placement program. Her scholarship has been published in Rhetoric Review, Teaching English in the Two-Year College, the Journal of Teaching Writing, the Journal of Pedagogic Development, and Praxis, among others. With Jamie White-Farnham and Cathryn Molloy, she is currently preparing an edited collection on the rhetorics of women’s health activism.
Jamie White-Farnham is associate professor and writing coordinator in the Writing Program at the University of Wisconsin–Superior. Her research is split between feminist rhetorical studies and the scholarship of teaching and learning with a focus on writing program administration. Her work has been published in Community Literacy Journal, College English, Rhetoric Review, and Peitho.