Boris Rudic
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Causes and Consequences of Iatrogenesis in Cardiovascular Medicine
Edited by Ihor B. Gussak, John B. Kostis, Ibrahim Akin, Martin Borggrefe, Giovanni Campanile, Arshad Jahangir, William J Kostis, and Gan-Xin Yan
Rutgers University Press, Rutgers University Press Medicine
This book addresses consequences on the cardiovascular system that arise from iatrogenesis— the occurrence of untoward effects resulting from actions of health care providers, including medical errors, medical malpractice, practicing beyond one’s expertise, adverse effects of medication, unnecessary treatment, inappropriate screenings, and surgical errors.
- Copyright year: 2017
Causes and Consequences of Iatrogenesis in Cardiovascular Medicine
Edited by Ihor B. Gussak, John B. Kostis, Ibrahim Akin, Martin Borggrefe, Giovanni Campanile, Arshad Jahangir, William J Kostis, and Gan-Xin Yan
Rutgers University Press, Rutgers University Press Medicine
This book addresses consequences on the cardiovascular system that arise from iatrogenesis— the occurrence of untoward effects resulting from actions of health care providers, including medical errors, medical malpractice, practicing beyond one’s expertise, adverse effects of medication, unnecessary treatment, inappropriate screenings, and surgical errors.
- Copyright year: 2017
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