Braiding Histories
264 pages, 6 x 9
16 b&w photos
Release Date:01 Jul 2009
Release Date:20 Dec 2008
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Release Date:01 Jul 2009
Release Date:01 May 2009

Braiding Histories

Learning from Aboriginal Peoples’ Experiences and Perspectives

UBC Press

Braiding Histories proposes a new pedagogy for addressing Aboriginal subject material, shifting the focus from an essentializing or “othering” exploration of the attributes of Aboriginal peoples to a focus on historical experiences that inform our understanding of contemporary relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. 

This book proposes a new pedagogy for addressing Aboriginal subject material, shifting the focus from an essentializing or “othering” exploration of the attributes of Aboriginal peoples to a focus on historical experiences that inform our understanding of contemporary relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples.

Reflecting on the process of writing a series of stories, Dion takes up questions of (re)presenting the lived experiences of Aboriginal people in the service of pedagogy. Investigating what happened when the stories were taken up in history classrooms, she illustrates how our investments in particular identities structure how we hear and what we are “willing to know.”

Braiding Histories illuminates the challenges of speaking/listening and writing/reading across cultural boundaries as an Aboriginal person to communicate Aboriginal experience through education. It will be useful to teachers and students of educational and Native studies and will appeal to readers seeking a better understanding of colonialism and Aboriginal–non-Aboriginal relations.

This book will be useful to teachers and students of educational and Aboriginal studies and will appeal to readers seeking a better understanding of colonialism and Aboriginal–non-Aboriginal relations.

Susan D. Dion is a professor in the Faculty of Education at York University.


1 Historical Amnesia and the Discourse of the Romantic, Mythical Other

2 Listen Again and I’ll (Re)tell You a Story

3 Listening – But What Is Being Heard?

4 The Braiding Histories Project

5 “Her Solitary Place”: Teaching and Learning from Shanawdithit’s Story

6 “We Wanted to Hear Your Stories”: Teaching and Learning from Audrey’s Story

7 Disrupting Moulded Images

Appendix A: The Braiding Histories Stories as Distributed for Classroom Use

Appendix B: Initial Teacher Interview Questions

Appendix C: Planning-Session Agendas and Discussion Questions




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