Brian Evenson

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

The Wavering Knife


University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2

Brian Evenson's fifth story collection constructs a human landscape as unearthly as it is mundane

  • Copyright year: 2004
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Forms at War

FC2 1999-2009

Edited by Ralph M. Berry
University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2

Forms at War: FC2 1999-2009 collects twenty-three experimental prose works published by Fiction Collective Two during the last decade.

  • Copyright year: 2009
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The Anthology of Prose, Poetry, Visual, Found, E- & Hybrid Writing as Contemporary Art

Edited by Steve Tomasula
University of Alabama Press

A wide-ranging anthology of experimental writing—prose, poetry, and hybrid—from its most significant practitioners and innovators

  • Copyright year: 2022
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