Showing 221-230 of 464 items.

First Person Plural

Aboriginal Storytelling and the Ethics of Collaborative Authorship

UBC Press

Focusing on the 1990s, when debates over voice and representation were particularly explosive, McCall investigates a wide range of “told-to” narratives that have shaped the struggle for Aboriginal rights in Canada, and asks what is at stake in crafting a politics and ethics of collaboration.

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Oral History on Trial

Recognizing Aboriginal Narratives in the Courts

UBC Press

This compelling analysis of Aboriginal, legal, and anthropological concepts of fact and evidence argues for the inclusion of Aboriginal oral histories in Canadian courts, and pushes for a reconsideration of the Crown's approach to oral history.

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The Many Voyages of Arthur Wellington Clah

A Tsimshian Man on the Pacific Northwest Coast

UBC Press

Drawing on a painstaking transcription of Clah’s diaries, Peggy Brock offers a riveting portrait of a Tsimshian man and his encounters with colonialism.

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Corps Commanders

Five British and Canadian Generals at War, 1939-45

UBC Press

Corps Commanders explains how five very different Second World War British and Canadian generals fought their battles, and why they fought them in similar fashion.

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Defence and Discovery

Canada’s Military Space Program, 1945-74

UBC Press

A revealing investigation into the origins, development, and impact of Canada’s space program from 1945 to 1974.

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The Way of the Bachelor

Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba

UBC Press

This book documents the religious beliefs and cultural practices that helped sustain and lend meaning to Chinese bachelors in smaller towns and cities of Manitoba.

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Manufacturing National Park Nature

Photography, Ecology, and the Wilderness Industry of Jasper

UBC Press

Focusing on Jasper National Park, this richly illustrated book shows how photography has shaped and continues to inform perceptions of nature and ecological issues in Canada.

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Retail Nation

Department Stores and the Making of Modern Canada

UBC Press

Retail Nation traces Canada’s modern consumer culture back to an era when department stores not only ruled, but defined, the nation’s shopping scene.

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Contesting White Supremacy

School Segregation, Anti-Racism, and the Making of Chinese Canadians

UBC Press

By drawing on Chinese sources and perspectives, this book offers an anti-racist history of the 1922-23 Chinese students’ strike in Victoria and Asian exclusion and racism in British Columbia.

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Unsettling the Settler Within

Indian Residential Schools, Truth Telling, and Reconciliation in Canada

UBC Press

Unsettling the Settler Within is a powerful call to action that lays bare the myth of the peacemaking settler and points the way toward a meaningful reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians grappling with the legacy of the Indian residential school system.

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