Clifford E. Trafzer
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
American Indian Medicine Ways
Spiritual Power, Prophets, and Healing
Edited by Clifford E. Trafzer
The University of Arizona Press
This groundbreaking collection provides fascinating stories of wisdom, spiritual power, and forces within tribal communities that have influenced the past and may influence the future. Through discussions of omens, prophecies, war, peace, ceremony, ritual, and cultural items such as masks, prayer sticks, sweat lodges, and peyote, this volume offers examples of the ways in which Native American beliefs in spirits have been and remain a fundamental aspect of history and culture.
- Copyright year: 2017
The Indian School on Magnolia Avenue
Voices and Images from Sherman Institute
Oregon State University Press
The first collection of writings and images focused on an off-reservation Indian boarding school, The Indian School on Magnolia Avenue shares the fascinating story of this flagship institution. The contributors to the volume tell the story of of how the federal government worked to transform American Indian students into productive farmers, carpenters, homemakers, nurses, cooks, and seamstresses, and how most students survived the agenda of cultural genocide to benefit themselves and the well-being of their communities.
- Copyright year: 2012
Strong Hearts and Healing Hands
Southern California Indians and Field Nurses, 1920–1950
The University of Arizona Press
In 1924, the United States began a bold program in public health. The Indian Service of the United States hired its first nurses to work among Indians living on reservations. Strong Hearts and Healing Hands shows how field nurses and Native people formed a positive working relationship that resulted in the decline of mortality from infectious diseases. With strong hearts, Indians eagerly participated in the tuberculosis campaign of 1939–40 to x-ray tribal members living on twenty-nine reservations. Through their cooperative efforts, Indians and health-care providers decreased deaths, cases, and misery among the tribes of Southern California.
- Copyright year: 2021
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